Summery: As usual, Doombox was doing his tasks as being Doomshot second in command, a post which his father Soundwave doesn’t have. He would have went onto a new task when Doomshot called him and gave him a mission to do, but he could take some troopers with him. Before he went out he went to find Decepticons willing to help him, he went into the relaxing lounge where Decepticons not on missions hang out and managed to get the help of the Stormtrooper unit(Aquanaught, Aquablast Hydradread and Dreanch), Flamefether, Cindersaur, Nightdancer and Fangry. Doombox thought he was ready but realised he’s short of a few troops, So he had to call up his Uncle Soundblaster to hire some mercenaries for his mission, after an embarrassing conference He paid out for the Coneheads to help him on the mission, though he preferred some other troops. The grope arrived on the recently neutral Karn, place where the Hub was destroyed. As they explore the planet Doombox became concern about being spied on and...