War of Beasts 1of 2

Stuck on earth for a long time, Aura will soon taste war again when the Maximal and predacons crash to earth(gaea) 


As Aura look around at the environment she detects a ship crashing in Alaska, when she arrives she admired the beauty of the animals before approaching the ship. When she gets to the door one occupant question her identity, when it was cleared she was aloud to get on the ship and met Optimus primal and his crew.

Rhinox then scanned for forms to suit the environment and Aura added to the list with scans of dinosaurs. Coincidently the Predacon ship is facing towards the Axalon but is in Asia but is within firing range. Aura theorized that they got their name from the Phristoricons as well as they would scan more repetitious and insectoid form, so their preparing for battle. Aura befriended Botanica, Cheetor and Rattrap. 

Then the Predacon ship sent its first wave of attack via proton torpedo's and Nucleon torpedo's which the Axalon took little damage. The maximal's countered with a similar attack but also included ion bombs and death crystals. The maximal's tried to fight on foot but the predacons arrived and were marching on foot and it became hard to fight them and the ship. 

Aura lined up with her troops and reminded herself of the lightning strike collation before being attacked by Skold, Darkscream and Tuskmaster. They defeated them but were attacked again by Tarantulas and Scorponok, before being saved by Nightviper. She also tried to save the natural wildlife from Doublepunch.

Meanwhile Optimus primal and Cryotek toe to toe. As Optimus was to win Cryotek called Waspinator to attack but he was saved by Aura and Waspscream was killed. That gave the chance for Optimus primal to kill Cryotek,making the Predacon retreat and giving leadership to Ghawnsteeth, and leaving behind Transquito and Formikon. Later Aura  sends a SOS across the universe to help them.



This is a nod of the original beast war series.


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