Mystery on the Mountain


In 1866,A digging site found a stasis pod and the Space knights transferred it to their base. They examined the pod and identified it as a cybertronian, Rom accidently activated it and Stardrive was born And have Imprinted on Rom.

Five years later and the teenaged Stardrive is having her first day at the Solstar space knight academy.Rom thinks about her and her kind when Livia called him to the office. He was relived to here that Stardrive won't be expelled from the Solstar order. 

As Orphion tells him he's investigating Floron 2 and he being sent he's being sent ton  investigate an Apparent giant space knight spotted near the Thrall mountains. When he gets their he discovers an entrance which leads him deep in the mountain which lead into an ancient complex which he deduced was built by cybertronians.

 Before bumping into Cognive. At first scared then calmed, Rom expected him to destroy him and told him the Solstar view of cybertronians which Cognive laughed and told him about the civil war, How the Quintessons gave them a technological boost and neutral evaluation of Autobots and Decepticons factions.

He told him about functionism and the reasons of the wars beginning .They walked into a room of Ore 12 and Cognive explained how and why he hear as well that His holm was once a colony. Rom asked how is Ore 12 so deadly and he explained due to the 1 to 5% of dark energon and any energon can kill a Dier wraith.

 Rom the asked about their origins and he said that during the invasion of Antalia a scientist made a great machine with Dark energon but when he used it it turned his race into The first Dier wraith's .Rom was angry of this but Cognive says that things happen without plan. Then Hothouse and Airwave came but calmed down.

They told Rom to be carful of Emissary defence system and they all departed. Back at base he surprised to find out that His friends received similar information. They decide to keep it out of public knowledge when Stardrive came and explained how good her day was and showed off her armour and said she promises not to be like her race which Rom accepts but Feels guilty of not telling her this new information on her race.



2.Talinsmen creator(projection)

Space knight armour is an energon and the Dier wraiths have been made by the Talisman are details took from the 2005 continuity.
Ikon cameos in the last page of the story.



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