Hound and the ww2 transformers


After getting back from a security round he goes find Neil so they can hang out but he isn't their. He goes to ask some of his combatants(Guzzle, Bumblebee, Ironhide and Sureshot) but they weren't interested. Itami wanted to come but she couldn't.

So he went to Ironfist (really called Fisitron) place and went into a beautiful workshop. He agreed but asked where they were going. Hound said a German place. Hotspot overheard and hound was joyed that he wanted to tag along.

He was concerned of his cybertronian alt-mode but he showed off his new  earth water crash tender alt-mode and they went under the pretence of finding energon. Once they arrived they used holomater so they could get around. Unaware their being watched by the germen speaking Decepticon Flathead.

As they looked around they saw a memorial which said one word 'remember'(the place was actually Auschwitz). A human guide explained that this place used to be a place where people used to be killed in an industrialised scale due to their race and where they were born from.

Ironfist felt sadden by this and felt sorry for all the lost lives. then hot spot caught a glimpse of a desert tank and the trio followed it, watching it meet two other vehicles. Hound identified then as Decepticons and as they transformed they were dragged into a fight.

The Decepticons fired their ammunition and the biggest problem was brawls weapons. Flathead danced while using his pistols and that annoyed hotspot to shot some foam. when that didn’t work he fired shells at Flathead.

The battle got intense but a great victory was won when they disabled Brawls weapons. But that wasn't enough. Then two vehicle came which reviled themselves to be Autobots Musket and Breakaway.

They beaten up the cons and forced them to retreat. They explained that they were here since WW2 and came her on the suspicion the Ark was here. their conversation was interrupted by a light which was  a tube of Energon Z.

When they returned they showed this to Elita 1 and she congratulated them on finding it (despite lying about going their in the first place to find energon)After that everybody parted ways, Hotspot was in a meeting with Pyra and Alpha Bravo talked about combiners within a grope.

 Hound decided to visit Fisitron and Roterstorm joined him to get his Sword. They went to the same place and Roterstorm got his sword back when he received a mission to investigate a factory. So the three went to investigate.

On the nemesis the trio return. Payload shows them to Megatron.  Brawl is happy to find his master. Flathead(in germen) said they went to the right planet. Flathead gave a weird salute and said in German(all hail Megatron)Payload explained he picked it up from a Decepticon like human grope.





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