Sparkstalker and Caminus


In the middle of a space battle Sparkstalker tried to direct his teammates firepower at the enemy. They were in the middle of a battle for a spacebridge. Cindersaur ran out of ammo and Flamefether insult lead to an argument that he had to stop.

Then Spaceshot came hurtling their way and they had to escape her collision. Once landed on another asteroid the pair started fighting again and sparky had to get Physical to stop them.

He got their attention when Ginrai and Dai atlas came. That lead to a gun fight and Cindersaur and Flamefether was still bickering. It turned into a space battle as the cons lost ground.

As he was battling Sparkstalker grew close to the spacebridge when one of Dai atlas missiles hit him and hurtled him through the opened spacebridge before it closed!

When he came from the other side he was falling to a Cybertron like planed but a sigh showed it was the lost Colony Caminus. As he entered the atmosphere he transformed into jet mode and crashed into a forest.

The first thing he saw was Lightbright who was curious of him. She introduced herself and he did the same. She was curious and happy to see a bot from Her ancestral home world and Sparkstalker had to tell her its in civil war.

He explained about the civil war as neutral as he could. Lightbright asked about who's the good guys and who's bad and Sparkstalker said its up to your point a view. She got closer to Sparkstalker as they walked.

Then Sparkstalker meet some more Camians(Roadmaster and Lickety split) who talked to his new friend. Some admired his Muscles and said he was handsome which he heard somebody saying that to him for the first time.

During the next 5 million years he settled down and fitted himself into camian society. He became a ICT teacher and he and Lightbright grew closer to each other. Lightbright also adopted his alt-mode somehow.

 He deactivated his weapon system because he wanted to be a civilian again and not return to war. They then went to a cafĂ© to meet Anode and Aileron. They talked about the old Autobot Population on Caminus from Nominus prime times.

Anode talked about her immigration here before the war. Aileron wanted to know about the Autobots so Sparky told her everything he knew and said she could join if they ever came. Then the news showed Victorion and a small cybertronian passenger ship crashing so they investigated. 

As they went close they could see Gauge, Exocet, Proxima and Javelin going to( they lived their).But they  distracted when they saw the torchbearers, sparks grope arrived at the crashed ship followed by the other grope and Victorion watching from afar and they found four cons and one autobot inside.

The cons were Toxitron, Thunderblast, and the two Firecons. Sparkstalker and them were both happy and confused. They were happy to see Sparkstalker but had personal question he would answer in private.

 Then Thunderclash and Sparkstalker found out the war ended a year ago. He asked who one, but he found out that a Unicronian killed Megatron which scared the Camians. Prime and soundwave signed a treating and formed the builder’s assembly but basically Autobot one. 

Aileron and Javelin told they wanted to come with Thunderclash which he was surprised of. Sparkstalker said he has something to do about it and he was confused since he though he wanted them to be cons.

Gauge then pointed out that the mistress of flame was here talking to the torchbearers. when th3ey arrived they saw that she was questioning Pyra about her disappearance. Sparkstalker came to their defence despite them being autobot.

After explaining why they were away for such a long time the Mistress demanded proof and Sparkstalker used Thunderclash account to give evidence. She accepted this and pardoned them but said they can’t have their old jobs back since she made a new team in their absence.

She then left but not before giving Sparkstalker a stare. Thunderclash went back with: Aileron, Javelin and Proxima to make them Autobots while the firecons and Lightbright went back to Lightbright’s house.

When they got their they discussed about his life on Caminus. Sparkstalker gave his story and how peaceful it is here. Flamefether talked about their improved relationship. Cindersaur asked if he and Lightbright loved each other which they do.

They said they needed to leave but asked Sparkstalker if he was staying which he said he is. As they left Sparkstalker and Lightbright looked at the  Caminus gas giant.


11,Optimus prime(mentioned)

8.Soundwave (mentioned)



Rather then the firecons having beast modes they have alt-modes possessed by movie Megatron in the live-action film series.

Lightbright's from Caminus and in a couple with Sparkstalker like her G1 counterpart


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