Spotlight Brainstorm
Summery: Brainstorm is on the lost light reading about the Fallen when Nautica walked into the room. Nautica got interested about what he was reading and asked him to tell the the fallen story which he told. Nautica noted that his face resembled the Decepticon logo in which he agreed. Megastar called her to the meeting room and announced that their going to Athenia to help the research on the Guardian era on the planet. When they got their Brainstorm was amazed at everything, from the buildings to the technology. Megastar notices a entrance which brainstorm explained was just discovered and is unexplored as of yet. So despite opposition in her teammates she and her team went into the cave, unaware that Nightbird was following them into the place. As they ventured in they noticed that it both became darker and it was decorated with ancient cybertronian. Megastar stopped the grope as Nightbird fell from the celling as was captured. She explained that Doomshot payed her to steal things fr...