Orthia vs seekers

Elita 1 team do some recommence, battle Skywarp and some seekers, form Orthia and remember the past along the way

 Elita 1 walks down the halls of the Autobot base and tells off Dreadwind for flirting with Redwing.as she leaves the sector Moonracer asks if she can hang out together. lancer Chromia, greenlight and Firestar asks the same thing.

As they walked into the next room Optimus called Elita to do some reconnaissance around the Area. As Megastar and Perihelion walked by Elita to her to do her errant while her team was gone.

as the drived through a war torn area Moonracer reminded them of the times when they used to hang out at the Lacon archiver. As they past the building it self memories flowed instantly but one came to mind.

It was the end era of Nominus times. Elita 1 worked at the hall as a book checker. She would have weekly chats in the kids area with Firestar returning from work, Chromia finishing her shift. Moonracer from her exchange school and Lancer and Greenlight from their Academy. they were talking specifically about the murder of the Functionist council and the murderer Decepticon Astrotrain.

Suddenly seekers surrounded them. Before Thundercracker, Skywarp and Nacelle as well as the mercenaries: Ramjet, Dirge and Thrust landed as well. Skywarp demanded to know the location of the Autobot base. Nacelle personally demanded to release her sister Redwing from captive.

Moonracer bluffed about coming from far away despite anger from her teammates. which interested Skywarp but before inquiring further Elita called to attacked, Thundercracker agreed and started attacking but stop to see the Autobots form the Combiner Orthia, they started to fire again but the seekers were to lose.

Skywarp fired some null rays at Orthia but was swatted like a giant fly. Thundercracker called retreat and Skywarp said it wasn't over before teleporting to safety. Nacelle refused the command and attacked but was knocked out by Orthia.

Orthia notices a object in the rubble of the archives and found a object. Back at base Prime confirmed that this was the Matrix gauntlet and she gave him it and Prime went away. As she walked down the halls she scolds now Darkwing of flirting with Nacelle.

In a room with Nautica, Brainstorm, Springer, Hotrod and Arcee. Moonracer askes to hang out with Elita and she agreed. At Decepticon base Starscream scolds Thundercracker and Skywarp.
Skywarp admits their fault except for Nacelle's capture which is her fault of not following orders. Starscream ruffles back to Decepticon headquarters to tell Megatron and Thundercracker apologises to Skywarp. He gets forgiven and Skywarp notes that they won't be surprised again.





 not counting mentioned characters, all Decepticons who physically appeared in the story were seekers. Befitting the title.

Orthia is the combiner from the Generations selects comics, But this Orthia is formed by all of the teammates of Elita unit.


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