Breaks date night


Break was with a unit of Maximals tracking Magmatron’s Rouges when they were attacked by Manta ray, Guliedart, Bazooka, and Breaks secret consort Naughtelious. As they fake fight Break as her where to meet and she said at Jukester bay. 

Break later snuck out to meet her, Well he just had to lie where he was going but Naughtelious needed to sneak out though. They meet in beast mode underwater to avoid detection from both their gropes and Human police.

They swam as they talked. Naughtelious warned to stay on guard but Break said that she’s the toughest person he knows, even saying she could take on the auto rollers. They transform and he’d to an island unaware Autolauncher followed them.

They sat on a log and talked about life. She asked who were the Predacon secret police unit and he said they were: Onyx primal, Megalligator and Scarem along with Decepticon Banzaitron.

 Naughtelious also asked about his cousin Rayge which he said she was fine. Break whisked they were back on Aqwatron. Which she said why not before being knocked out by Autolauncher and Autocrusher.

They woke up restrained. Magmatron comes and expresses he didn’t know that Naughtelious loves Break. She begs him not to kill him and he said that if he kills Big convoy and give him his Energon matrix he will let them live or otherwise was explanatory.

She did as she was told and almost went through with it but was caught by Slammer, Fractl and T-Wrecks. When asked to explain by Big convoy she told about the whole mess and agreed to help her. So they made a plan to free Break. on guard was Killerpunch and Midship. When they ambushed them a big fight took place and Break was able to escape from Archadis.

After the battle the pair could be together again, Naughtelious criminal record was cleaned and she became a Maximal. Breaks friends were astonished that break had a life but didn't care much. He told Naughtelious that when it’s all over she can live in peace but not for him since he wants to be Supreme commander.




5.Onyx primal(mentioned)





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