Sad Hydra


Hydra express that even though he likes making friends ever since he was stationed on Porcupine he is very lonely. Living only with his Servant Ope. But he's excited today since the sent a new person called Airraptor. As he waits Ope mumbles before Airraptor arrived before explaining his and Airraptor alt-mode and Ope lack of one.

She seemed nice and Hydra couldn’t stop gazing at her. She liked war history so he told about the original Seacons. They smile at each other before Ope told them to get back to work. When asked about Ope Hydra said she’s moody but nice.

As he did he got a message from Terragator about detection of dark Energon in the sector and to stay vigilant. Their was silence for a bit until Ope started screaming and as he went out to tell her off he found a container full of dark Energon.

Then the Blentron’s descended to Porcupine. Then Hydra got a call saying that a unit consisting of Letherhide, Albinotron, Nightviper, Skywasp and Spittor was coming before talking about fun facts on Letherhide and Albinotron and his teammates.

They fought the Blentron's despite them being stronger then most TF’s before the unit arrived. Hydra stayed focused on the Threat and Airraptor gave a comment to Ope before they realised she was missing.

They look everywhere and found her hostage to Tarantulas who demanded the Dark Energon. Hydra asked if he was a Blentron in which he said no and decided to give him the Dark Energon and true to his word he let Ope go but not before the Blentron's stole it from him.

Things became normal after that and Terragator congratulated them for capturing Tarantulas. Airraptor became a common site and Hydra heard that in 10 years he, Airraptor and Ope can return to Cybertron. Ope even got a Hovercraft mode. Hydra still wondered about why the Blentron's and tarantulas wanted the Dark Energon.









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