Quintesson revolt 1 of 3



Three friends(Beta, Primon and Nova) were exploring the caves at night against Quintesson law when Primon found a strange artefact which he unconsciously put into his chest, after a few minutes of panic, Primon woke up and realised who he really was and how the Quintessons are trying to enslave his race.

Then some Quintesson guards came but with a gesture knocked them out and teleported him and his friends away.

Main story:

walking alone in the Cybertronian wilderness, Scourge(a well feared hunter, feared as much as Galvawar) was minding his own business when he stumbled upon an injured Shockblast. After saving the cyclops from some Sharkticons Shockblast introduced himself and begged him to help him get home.

Usually Scourge would have left him, but interest on his faction lead him into helping the young bot home, they went to a cliffside and entered a passageway which revealed a secret base, Scourge was surprised to see Galvawar and his warriors before meeting Alpha prime(Primon).

Scourge asked what was he up to, seeing they were preparing for an assault, Alpha Prime revealed that the Quintessons wanted to sell his race into slavery and he was trying to stop it, Scourge was sceptical but then Alpha Prime shown him visions from the matrix which made Scourge want to help(but still didn't want to join them).

Scourge was assigned into defeating the head Sharkticon Gnaw as they mobilised for the assault. Scourge daydreamed of finally killing that Sharkticon he always wanted to hunt and this time he would be a hero, he snapped out off it in time for the battle to begin.

Very soon their was blaster fire as thousand of Alpha Vanguard members attacked the Quintessons, He went to the palace with Nova and Alpha prime, while  Nova and Alpha went to overthrown Septimus, Scourge was looking for Gnaw.

As he searched for him he saw in video broadcasted throughout the galaxy of how the Alpha Vanguard exposed the Quintesson lies. He then finally saw Gnaw and entered into a fight with the Sharkticon.

As they fought Scourge was startled when Gnaw transformed into bot mode and revealed he was actually a cybertronian. Angered by this revelation Scourge started beating up the Sharkticon so violently Gnaw lost his arm and fell to the ground dying, Gnaw asked for mercy bot Scourge killed him and took his insignia as a prise.

He putt the insignia on his chest, transformed and left the palace, As he left he saw a newly christened Nova prime giving a long speech, he only known that their was going to be war now, he may not be a member of the Alpha vanguard or a subject of the dead Alpha or Septimus but he would contribute as much as he could.


Alpha vanguard:

Quintesson aligned:



wow, scourge even was around in Quintesson times, that is so impressive

Primon chose to call himself Alpha prime so that his race only sees the primes as their king, nothing more nothing less, Even though he is the Thirteenth prime.



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