Plor on Prysmos 1 of 3



Out in  the vast forests of Prysmos, Darkstorm goes’ to investigate strange happenings, locals claim that their being seeing demons turning people into others of their kind after the green meteor shower that happened earlier this year, and he’s making sure their not a threat to his power.

As he gets to a clearing, He notices he’s being surrounded. He stops to see these “Demons” surround him, but after blocking any escape they just stood there, Confused he rears his axe in anticipation in getting attacked, but instead he is met by their leader.

The creature introduced herself as Xeldynn and introduced her people as the Dier Wraiths. She lured Darkstorm here to possibly make an alliance with him and offered that if she would help him become ruler of Prysmos if he and his men help her raid Merklynn’s fortress.

After simple considerations he accepted, he himself was planning to overthrown Merklynn and take his power. He warns his new ally that he would kill her and her people if she betrays him, and Xeldynn promises the same against the Darkling lords.

Main story:

On their ship “The Shining knight”. Plor, along with Butin, Carax and Ikon, were preparing to enter the Prysmos system. They had tracked down Dier wraiths to this world and got Quintesson permission to enter into their territory to exterminate them.

As they entered the Atmosphere and landed, they could see that Prysmos was Primitive, preindustrial even, however Carax notes that it seems that Prysmos was once technologically advance, but somehow they lost the ability to use this tech, as it seems it no longer works.

They left Carax to steward the ship as they searched around the forests and spitted up. Plor took himself to eventually find a savannah, he noticed that he was being watched by three animals(Lion, Cheetah and Eagle), all with glowing blue eyes. 

Though his scanners didn’t pick up any wraiths, he stood wary. He was meet with a woman behind him(well he was flying at the time; she was on the ground) and Introduced herself as Galadria, She told him that they meant no harm, before being revealed that the animals were in fact natives as they morphed back into people via magic.

Plor enquired who they were, and their leader(who introduced himself as Leoric) told Plor they were the spectral knights, who were the protectors of Prysmos. Plor told him he was a space knight of the Solstar order, protecting others from the Dier wraiths, and explained he was here because a grope of Dier wraiths had invaded Prysmos.

Before he could speak more, he got a relay from Carax that Ikon and Butin needed help, as he was to fly to help them, Leoric offered that the Spectral knights help him, as if the Dier wraiths were threatening Prysmos safety, it was their duty to defend it from the wraiths to.

When the grope arrived at the scene, They could see Ikon and Carax struggle as they try to not only defend themselves from the wraiths and kill them, but also from a mysterious grope of Knights who were attacking them with magic as well.

When Leoric looked at the knights, they stopped attacking the space knights and stared. Leoric told Plor to deal with his enemies while they dealt with the Darkling Lords. Plor went to help his team, blasting a swarm of wraiths who were to overwhelm them if he didn’t intervein.

Meanwhile Leoric was lock in combat with his arch enemy Darkstorm, When he enquired on why he was working with these creatures, Darkstorm told him he will soon be ruling Prysmos with the help of the Dier wraith leader “Xeldynn”.

He then pressed a stone button on a strange rock, which opened a portal to his fortress, he ordered the wraiths to enter it as the Darkling Lords retreated, Plor made a final attempt to stop the wraiths from escaping, but he was too late.

After resting for a couple of minutes, Leoric explained that the knights attacking his friends were a grope called the Darkling Lords, who battle the Spectral knights in their campaign to conquering Prysmos, Leoric noted that he never saw Darkstorm use such an artefact to create portals, and that scared him.

Plor enquired more and asked why was he working for the Dier wraiths, He told him he only knew that a Wraith called “Xeldynn” Promised to help Darkstorm take over Prysmos. Plor looked shocked and Leoric could tell.

Plor said their world was in great danger and that the Wraiths were after powerful Magic artefacts. Witterquick said they may try to raid Merklynn sanctuary, and that they must warn him of the coming threat, no matter how small or big it is.

Before the Spectral knights left, Plor offered them that they take them to this “sanctuary” in exchange for their help. Leoric asked how before Carax lowered the Space knight’s ship down so they could get onboard. As the Spectral knights look in awe at the ship, Plor says one thing.

With “The shining Knight”







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