Plor on Prysmos 2 of 3


In Darkstorm’s stronghold, the leader of the Darkling lords was preparing his men to raid Merklynn fortress with their new but untrustworthy allies. Cindarr pointed this out as he spoke his concern about the Wraiths, but Darkstorm reminded him that the needed to be on guard.

Lexor was unsure of attacking Merklynn’s Sanctuary, however he was talked down when Darkstorm called him a coward. Virulina commented that they don’t know if the new artefact they have would allow them to enter the sanctuary directly. Darkstorm replied that all they needed to do is get near the sanctuary, then their allies do the rest.

Meanwhile, the Space knights and the Spectral knights fly to the same fortress. Witterquick was reminiscent of the “old days” before the cataclysm, before explaining to the Spaceknights what happened to Prysmos:

Originally Prysmos was a technologically advance world, advance enough to have limited space travel in their system, however when the three Suns aligned, it released a wave which sent them back to primitivism, and now magic reigned supreme.

Carax was interested in that story, as something was off about it, Sure these things happened time to time, and they weren’t that advance, but when he was analysing their suns it seemed something bad happened to them unnaturally, though he can only speculate.

Arriving at the sanctuary everybody(minus Carax) entered into the place as Leoric used his special key, inside they wandered the halls until the grope was faced by Merklynn himself, and he was surprised by the intrusion, especially the Spaceknights.

Leoric introduced him to the Spaceknights, and though he didn’t know who they were, he could tell they were aliens. Merklynn berated Leoric for inviting the Spaceknights. But Plor interrupted him and told him they came to warn him about a great threat to him.

Merklynn gave his ear, and Plor warned him that a grope of Dier wraiths led by Xeldynn planned to raid his fortress to steal powerful magic items from him. Merklynn didn’t believe Plor not one bit, but he asked who were these Dier Wraiths were.

Plor explained they were a race of evil Aliens who transformed populations into others of their kind in their conquests, and the Spaceknights were created to destroy them to protect the galaxy from their claws, and he stated he came here to Prysmos to get rid of them.

Merklynn laughed, and asked Plor if he really believed they were evil, all of them. Plor reaffirmed his belief but Merklynn told the Spaceknight that just because you view your enemies as evil doesn’t mean they are evil, and it sounds to him that the Spaceknights were eviller then these wraiths.

Merklynn also told him that all nations try to conquer each other at somepoint in their history, it’s natural for everything and the soldiers who perform the acts aren’t evil themselves. Plor and the other Spaceknights never saw the wraiths this way, they wondered if their not as good as they seem.

Before Merklynn could speak anymore a burst of energy came from behind as a portal opened across the hallway as wraiths poured out of the wormhole, amongst them was Xeldynn, before the Darkling lords came following.

It was time to fight





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