Plor on Prysmos 3 of 3



Plor and the Spaceknights preceded to start blasting as many Wraiths as they could, though in the back of their minds they were unsure if only Xeldynn was truly the evil Wraith of the bunch here. Meanwhile the Spectral knights and the Darkling lords started duelling each other as well.

Plor and Leoric noticed that Xeldynn and Darkstorm were trying to enter Merklynn vault, and they went to pursue them. Xeldynn entered the gate of the vault, where she was met by Merklynn, who demanded her to retreat before he kills them for trespassing.

Before another word was said, Xeldynn blasted him aside with her magic while Darkstorm cut his arm off before morphing into his Mollusc form to melt down the door with his dark magic spells. Leoric arrived to Merklynn aid, but he told him to help the aliens stop Xeldynn.

Meanwhile Plor followed them into the chamber, seeing both intruders look on with the vast treasures it contained. Darkstorm started blasting him with his destructive magic, but Plor dodge them before shooting him with his neutralisers, which he blocked with a magic forcefield of his own.

Leoric arrived at the scene, and saw Xeldynn take the power orb, he charged at her before she could use it for herself, but she casted him aside as she absorbed it’s power for her own, along with another object she also absorbed, she transformed herself into a wraith dragon.

Xeldynn thanked Darkstorm for his usefulness, see the betrayal coming he blasted her with his full force of destructive power. She absorbed the attack before she ate Darkstorm as a swamp Mollusc gaining his special power of decay.

She walked out of the treasure room and left to the courtyard, preparing to leave with the wraiths. But she was stopped by the combine forces of Spectral knight and Spaceknight. She declared that she would destroy them like she did with Darkstorm, prompting the Darkling lords to get involved as well.

All three factions used their full might against her with a barrage of both magic spells and Neutraliser bolts, but she absorbed all of them, before pursuing to shoot destructive rays of Destructive Magic at them, the grope barely dodging thee rays of Decaying power.

Merklynn arrived at the scene, having reattached his arm with magic, holding the Requiem stone in his other hand. He got  the attention of Arzon, who he told to try and make Xeldynn eat the rock. Arzon morphed into his eagle form and flowed towards Xeldynn.

He tried to drop the stone into Xeldynn mouth, but she proceeded to bite him mid-air and swallowed him whole, gaining his power to, however before she could turn to kill anyone else she started to glow as the stone power was so great that it made her exploded in an eruption of flames.

After everybody recovered from the blast, what was left were two Magic staffs, the power orb, the requiem stone and two animal totems. Her remaining forces tried to avenge her but were killed by the other Spaceknights.

Off the corner of Plor eye, he saw a wraith hawk rise, Xeldynn cackled that she was still alive to fight for another day, but before she could gloat more she was vapourised by Plor, ending her for good. As they cleared out the other wraiths in the area, the Spectral knights and darkling lords mourn their losses.

Plor tried to apologise for the death of Arzon, but Leoric said that it wasn’t the Spaceknights fault, but rather Arzon sacrificed himself to save Prysmos. The Darkling Lords vowed to avenge his death, as they went under Virulina leadership(she was the second in command).

Later, as the spectral knights say goodbye to the Spaceknights, Plor said it was an honour to serve with them. Merklynn came and said he doesn’t want to see him again, and Plor says that he’ll hopefully never need to come back to Prysmos.

As the Knights of the Solstar order fly out of the Atmosphere, Carax did a last scan of the planet, confirming the wraiths were destroyed. He complains of not being involved in the battle, but Plor reminded him they needed somebody to guard the ship.

They then fly out of the system, going to the nearest spaceport before going back to Elonia, there home.




The Requiem stone is an artefact made for this story, it seems to have the ability to depower magic users, but it's unclear how they do it.


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