Spotlight: Alpha Bravo

Alpha Bravo was returning from buying arms for his teammates from the entrepreneur known as Swindle(though the mercenary can be a bit slimy at times) As he entered the base main hall, he could see his teammates discussing about topics.

He approached his teammate Skydive with the Arms, observing he’s reading  a book written by Jetfire as he brought the supplies to him. Skydive greeted him and his teammate called his other teammates to him as they all greeted Alpha Bravo.

Before they could catch up though, they were called up to the secondary hall by Strika. Alpha Bravo had little idea why, however Silverbolt told him not to worry, they’re just going to get an upgrade and nothing more, though that didn’t help much.

As they all entered the hall Alpha Bravo got more tense as he saw his higher ups in the next room, On the other side of the hall Flashbeam was holding an Ionizer at them. He was tense by Skydive told him their going to be fine as the beam fired at them.

Alpha Bravo woke up in some void with the rest of his teammates, he didn’t feel dead, however he felt more powerful, power superior to that of his enemies. Meanwhile in the material world Strika was impressed as Superion spoke his first words.

Alpha Bravo realised that he was combined with his teammates to form these “combiners” that have been popping up recently, he could feel himself moving despite knowing he was a leg as he went to the base’s field, coming face to face with a larger Combiner.

The other Combiner introduced herself as “Tonkanator” and she’s going to train Superion how to fight in his Combined-mode, He looked down in the void as he saw through Superion’s eyes that of Strika and Flashbeam looking at both of them.

But before they could start training, The base alarms went off as the Decepticons were in the proximity. Strika told his teammates to De-combine, and Alpha Bravo waked up in the material world again, having a headache from the experience.

As they headed to defend the base he could see the Wreakers Leadfoot, Topspin and Roadbuster battling the Decepticons Razorclaw, Tantrum and Headstrong. After a bit of observation, he could tell that the battle was being led by the Seeker Autoclave(though it was odd for her to lead).

As he regrouped with his teammates, Silverbolt told him to be ready to combine, though he was nervous, this wasn’t enough to hinder the combination, and the grope formed Superion once again before Superion fired at some troops.

As he was repelling the invading forces, Superion was suckered punch in the back by the arriving Menasor, This wasn’t enough to de-combine the group, but they were able to stand on their feet. However Menasor kicked Superion in the face, which did force Superion to separate.

However this victory was short lived, as the Decepticons were forced to retreat as Tonkanator entered the battlefield along with more armed troops. Alpha Bravo and his teammates(on orders of Strika) flew back to base as Tonkanator battled Menasor.

Later Alpha Bravo was in the Medical bay being treating by Redalert as he reads the book Skydive gave him about Transwarp engine’s. Alpha Bravo was fascinated by this book, and wondered how could Jetfire even create the technology, especially a small version fitted onto other bots.

Meanwhile back in Swindle’s shop, Crashtest was buying a new sniper from the shady businessman(bot?). As Crashtest collected her purchase, she asked where he gets the supplies from, which Swindle replies from “Galactic sources” off world.




The data plan as the cover actually shows a different arrangement of limbs then the profile picture of Superion, this can be explained by the combination went different then was set.


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