G.I.Joe Vanguard 4 of 4



Despite the return of Cobra commander, The Joes were able to win against cobra, along with other special units from other nations. Though they have driven the organisation to near extinction, rumours spread of a new, extra-terrestrial, threat from the “Intruder empire” and Joe Colton is going to find out.

For decades, most world governments were somewhat aware of extra-terrestrials, however from the 70s special forces noticed the presence of “Intruders” small caveman-dwarf like aliens with a(formerly) unknown agenda.

As he walked into a cell, he could only flashback to his early years as a soldier, where he first met this particular “Intruder”. As he sat across the interrogation chair, The alien soldier gave Joe Colton a stare. While interrogating him, Colton asked several times of what the Intruders plans were.

Though he hasn’t answered this question ever since his capture, today he told Colton that Earth was just another selection of worlds targeted for his empires renewed era of expansion. And though it was risky doing so, his commander was keen in starting the Annexation of earth.

Before either could continue, Colton was called to attend an important emergency meeting. Once their he was briefed by his subordinates that Cobra was believed to be engaging against the Intruders at what’s believed is their alien base. Mindful of what he learned, he ordered a full mobilisation of G.I Joe to that location.

A little later the Intruders were defending their base against the attack of what was left of Cobra. A second-in command reported to general Frii-Daii, he ordered his troops to send a message to supreme command about sending an army.

Another Intruder reported another group approaching them, however Frii-Daii told them to proceed with their message, but at the same time told his troops to deal with them. The first wave of G.I Joe arrived a few minutes later at the location.

Though skirmishes between cobra and G.I.Joe still happened, as a whole both groups were keen on defeating the alien threat. That couldn’t be said for Duke, who decided to settle his score on Cobra commander. At the same time, Snake eyes, Storm Shadow and Colton were sneaking into the base to the control room.

Once their they slowly walked in, though seemingly empty, they were shocked that General Frii-Daii was still there, before the Joes could react Frii-Daii shot Snake eyes in the leg and Storm shadow in the arm, Colton was fast enough to dodge the third attack and a fistfight occurred.

Meanwhile Sci-fi got to the transmissions tower and started deactivating it the best he could, as it was advance technology. He was lucky when a stray missile hit the base’s powerline, stopping the message from being sent as he takes out the back up source.

As the intruders were at the verge of defeat, Duke’s and Cobra commander battle was concluding. The commander was on the ground bleeding intensely, Duke with his blaster stating that he shall not leave this battle alive, Cobra commander only kackled as he was terminated by Duke.

Meanwhile Colton’s and Frii-Daii battle was ending as well, though(surprinting) Frii-Daii had the upper hand, Colton ended the Intruder’s life with an  Alien blaster nearby, blasting the General to shreds. The rest of the Intruders were delt with as the rest of the armed forces arrived.

Cobra decided to retreat(as they were outnumbered, and needing to recover), as the injured and dead were carried off, Colton had a talk with Duke about the entire event recently, and Colton  admitted hiss long time grudge against the Intruders was finally resolved.

Duke himself said he was relieved Cobra commander was finally gone for good. He wandered if Cobra would rise again. Colton reassured him as long as somebody like G.I.Joe existed, not even aliens could invade their world, and with new Intruder tech, they’ll be more prepared then ever!

A few weeks later, What was left of Cobra were within their last stronghold. Their new leader Krake set about Cobra’s new goal, rebuild in an era of recluse and secrecy, waiting for another day to strike back and take over the world and anything else it conquers.





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