Spotlight Scylla

Deep in an underground base, Scylla, and her cell of rebels within Galvaclash resistance group were currently hiding out from the Eradicons, the enforcers of Galva Convoy. Scylla herself came out of a stasis nap but was quite annoyed that the first thing she hears is Squawktalk blabbering about.

The Decepticon Minicon informed her that Halfshell would be having a cell meeting, and Scylla proceeded to go to the main base. On the way she could see Rumble and Frenzy having an arm wrestle, She was joined by Terrormander, who wasn’t in a good mood.

The go to the control room, where she was greeted with the sights of Colelagon, Labhammer and Sea Phantom. Once everybody was in order, Halfshell debriefed them on the situation. Wingthing has gathered intel that an energon shipment was arriving in the area soon, and they will raid it.

Terrormander was a bit sceptical, but Halfshell assured her that it won’t be an easy feat, He plans to use their greatest asset during the raid, and unless they prepared, victory should be theirs! As they prepared to go out, they were joined by Naughtelious.

Scylla and Naughtelious scouted the area around the road. Naughtelious being faster with her alt-mode. Scylla told her that she never seen her alt-mode, even when she was still living on Aquatron. Naughtelious explained that her alt-mode hasn’t been used since the golden age.

All of Halfshell cell’s forces grouped around the road, being joined by two other cell’s within Galvaclash resistance. As expected, the transport carrying the energon arrived, being a transport used from the great war, when the time was right, the resistance attacked.

All of the resistance troops surrounded the vehicle, fighting the Eradicons vehicons protecting it. However it was discovered that the Transport was mostly filled with more Eradicons soldiers, and the resistance group knew they were in trouble.

Seeing that they were in a trap,  Scylla noticed Halfshell ordering the Neo-Seacons to combine, The Eradicons were put in awestruck as the Neo-Seacons combined into King Neptune. In the mind of Neptune, Scylla noted to herself that the Eradicons may have never seen a combiner before.

King Neptune annihilated the Eradicons forces, and turned the tide of battle for the Resistance, They tried to call back for reinforcements but the Eradicons found their communications cut of, as Wingthing earlier found a way to reactivate the Jammers left by the Decepticons during the great war.

The resistance cells cheered in glee as the Eradicons retreated, most of their numbers dead or recaptured. Back at base everybody celebrated, however Scylla decided to take another stasis nap, wanting to conserve her energy for anything big.

Meanwhile in Lacon,  Galva Convoy was scolding his forces into failing to allow the resistance, After hearing that a Combiner was with the cell. Galva wondered If their were still containers of Greengon left, As the Enigma of Combination is currently offworld.





The Enigma of combination seems to be off world, as indicated by Galva Convoy.



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