Spotlight Beta Maxx


Beta Maxx was rushing to the ship, It was a great time of crisis. Beta Maxx was one of a few Cybertronians who knew of the arrival of Mogahn the mass near to their galaxy, and the Universe, No! The Multiverse and beyond are in Peral, and he needs to help.

Beta Maxx boarded the shuttle in time for it to leave. As he relaxed he noticed that Reckage was sitting nearby, and realised he was on the wrong shuttle! Reckage noticed and said that Brail wouldn’t mind if he was on this shuttle, Beta Maxx took that well.

They teleported to Energoa via Transwarp, and landed on the now-barren planet. Beta Maxx and Reckage was walking across what’s left of the planet when Reckage asked Beta Maxx how he met Brail, Beta Maxx explained that he met him during the great war:

It was the late great war, but not on Cybertron. During the Nemesis travels across the galaxy for the Allspark, they went to Combatron to steal things from the Vault he and his friends were guarding, while the Decepticons stole the vault content, he survived due to Brail intervention, and been friends ever since.

Reckage found that story rather surprising, as she didn’t expect for somebody to become friends  with a person who attacked them, even if he defended them later. Beta Maxx said their friendship only blossomed during the Andromeda war, but not before that.

Suddenly, Beta Maxx was put into a trance of sorts. He couldn’t describe what he saw properly, It was like some vision, of the past, the ancient past! He could see a being, he though at first he was cladded in white armour, but realised it was transparent.

The being coarse with cosmic energy, tan in colour. He was creating some energy orb of sorts, so dark that night wasn’t dark enough. This energy orb  formed into an energy sphere, a shapeless orb. The Being named this orb…Mogahn.

Reckage shook him out of the trance, and asked Beta Maxx if he was okey. Beta Maxx explained his vision. And Reckage said they should tell Brail at somepoint. Blowback called out to the pair before they followed on the trail to the complex of Atlas.

Meanwhile in the middle of space between the Milky way and the Andromeda galaxy, Mogahn was battling the forces of the Stentarian, Waruder and other Andromeda nations. As he pushes his assault across the Multiverse and beyond, he began to feel something.

It was nostalgia about when he was first created, it was at the dawn of time, or even before it. He, the first concept. Being created by his creator. While most beings refer to him as the creation that could create, but he knew him by his true name of…Daiakuron!!!!



Primordial beings:


The name of the creation who could create is Daiakuron

This story was developed to fill in the plot hole made previously about Beta not being with Brail and instead was with Blowback.


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