Rom vs G.I.Joe 1 of 3


It was any normal day for Rom, but only if a normal day involved tracking down the Dier Wraith threat on earth, Rom was soring in the night sky, haven recently defeated  the Presence, with only a few Wraiths left, maybe one day he could retire.

As he kept on flying, he noticed some sort of arial battle with the use of fighter jets, as Rom got closer, he noticed that their were the Jets of the military organisation G.I.Joe, battling the paramilitary group known as Cobra.

Not wanting to interfere in their battle, Rom decided to fly away. However one of the Aircraft  started to fall, Rom morality kicked in and he went to save the piolet. He broke the cockpit window and managed to save the piolet and took him safely to the ground.

He landed in a nearby forest, where he went to check that if the soldier is still alive, the soldier woke up and was startled by Rom, miraculously he managed to get him to calm down. When he asked the soldier his name, he answered that he would call him as Beach-head.

Beach-head allow himself recover for a bit while Rom introduced himself. Not realising that Rom is an alien, he asked If he was some sort of Neo knight. Rom responded that though he was a Knight, he wasn’t a member of the superhero group.

Beach-head said that he needed to call up his men, and that he needed to get back to base. Rom didn’t say a word, and Beach-head proceeded to call up base. However Rom noticed  that their were being watched, and  Beach-head noticed  people coming to them.

A variety of people came, mostly G.I.Joe and Cobra troopers. Though Beach-Head was relieved that their were supposedly G.I.Joe operatives, many red flags were being set off, least off how  they seem to work together, Only Rom recognised that they were Dier wraiths.

Beach-head instinctively raised his weapons, and Rom Activated his blasters. The Dier wraiths reverted to their natural form and started attacking the pair, Though outnumbered, they manged to fend of the Dier Wraiths.

After killing off the Dier wraiths, Beach-head asked for Rom full identity. Rom explained that he was a Spaceknight from the Solstar order, who patrolled the galaxy and defended planets against the Dier wraith threat, while usually not too trusting of strangers, he decided to trust Rom this time.

As they decided their next course of action, they heard something in the Bushes, they armed their weapons but Beach-Head was surprised to find Joe Colton! Though suspected to be a wraith, one quick scan of Joe Colton by Rom showed that he was a Human..

Beach-head was slightly confused, He knew that Colton was back at base and that this individual was missing one of his hand. Joe Colton sat down and looked at his handless arm. Rom offered to take them back to his base so he can fix his arm, and perhaps get hold of the situation.


1.The Presence(mentioned)



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