Spotlight Deluge


On the Planet Charr, Deluge was preparing to go into a spacebridge, having been summoned by Megatron to board the Nemesis via its spacebridge, Deluge was excited to personally serve under Megatron, though she was personally also very nervous.

She got to the security gate where she was met by Flashwing and Skyhopper, who were acting as guards. After showing them her ID, the pair of seekers let her into the Spacebridge room, where an open portal to the Nemesis was.

Simacore greeted her there and congratulated her on her promotion(as she was being included in Megatron crew, though he still though he was smarter than any Decepticon scientist, He still wished Deluge luck on her new career as she went through the spacebridge.

On the other side of the spacebridge portal, Deluge was greeted by Banzaitron, who was the head of the Decepticon engineering division. Banzaitron joyfully informed her that Megatron has been expecting her, and she proceeded to follow Banzaitron to the ship’s bridge.

When she got their the Bridge was empty for the most part, with only a few piolets there, and of course Megatron himself. He towered over the rather short bot Deluge was, but she kept herself together, they were at the same side after all.

To her surprise, Megatron was quite friendly to her, well not that friendly but definitely friendlier than any other Decepticon she served under. After introducing herself to Megatron, the Decepticon leader was pleased of her addition to the crew.

When she asked about her job on the Nemesis, Megatron explained that recently that his head scientist Shockwave has perished, thus he need a replacement head scientist. Since she was a pretty bright scientist in the Decepticon science division, he decided to recruit her.

Deluge was honoured to be chosen by Megatron out of the many other scientists. Megatron told Banzaitron to show her shockwave old lab, and both proceeded to leave Megatron at the bridge to go to the lab present on the Nemesis.

When she arrived at the Lab, Deluge took her time at observing the equipment in her new Lab, while she understood the function of many of the machines there. She still felt a bit weird about the fact that she was in shockwave former Lab, even if it isn’t his major Lab back on Cybertron.

Banzaitron said that before she started working though, she had to pick an alt-mode based of the local vehicles of this planet, When Deluge inquired about it. Banzaitron explained that it was important to keep themselves hidden on the planet so not to complicate their goal of finding the Allspark.

Banzaitron handed her a touchpad full of Bodytype schematics accompanied by the alt-mode appropriate with said design, after a few minutes of looking, She settled on an earth car she liked. But before she could continue another bot stepped into the lab.

It was Lugnut, he went to deluge and started speaking to her in both a intimidating and interrogative way. Banzaitron told him off and got him to leave for the room. Banzaitron apologised to Deluge and told her that they were going to update her alt-mode now.

Though still spooked from Lugnut, Deluge proceeded to follow Banzaitron to his workshop, where their was a reformatting chamber, She stepped into the chamber and after half a minute, she was reformatted into her new earth mode.

She stepped out and transformed into her new mode, revelling on how unique it feels, despite being a normal earth car. Deluge thanked Banzaitron for the upgrade and bid farewell to him as she went back to the lab, she knows that she needs to do a lot to impress Megatron and stay on his good books.

However, she thinks she can do the job.






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