The Scavengers vs Jhiaxus- Part 1 of 2

The Scavengers vs Jhiaxus- Part 1 of 2
By suleforger
Prelog: in the Hub
“Master Jhiaxus, Clones are as healthy as planed”
“Thank you Rook, my eon long plan to unite our race is being fruitful”
“Sir what is the plan”
“O my loyal Rook, as my loyal assistant I shall tell you”
“For Eons our race was at a putrid war against one another, I’m sick of the bloodshed so I hatched a plan, using this failed project from Nominus time, this ship, I take as many CAN samples as I can, clone them and use them as the new generation of our kind before wiping out the old”
“How do you give them sparks”?
“I used a Allspark torch to power them with sparks”
“Sir am I a clone”?
“No, Your constructed cold but that’s not the point. They may be genetically the same, but there will be their own person”
“The Omnicide of the Decepticons and Autobots are a thought, Maybe not the Autobots but definitely the bloody cons!”
“Sir should I do an Engine inspection”
“Yes Rook do that”
Jhiaxus look at the clones of Optimus prime and Megatron, staring in a gloating mood”
“False Convoy, Megaplex, cloned from two Opposing personalities but have opposite personalities to the original, as default loyal to me you would usher a new age for our race, or we all die”.

Main story:
“Demolisher sir I gathered data of the west wing of this sector sir”
“Good work Krok, keep it up, you and your misfits find out more about the galaxy then we do”
“Just part of the job I love so much”
“Report soon, Demolisher out”
The monitor turns of, Krok is in a Joyful mood, discovering new energy sources and information of the galaxy and having fun adventure along the way and all for Decepticon Benefit”
“Going where no Mech has gone before”
“Krok, are you going to eat or not”
Flywheels, sister of Skytread, came into the room. She has Blitzwing Bodytype and has a paintjob of different shades of purple and has a green visor. She gives a kill on Krok forehead. 
“Come, the dreads are cooking energon burgers today”
“I’m coming flywheels”
Krok goes to the kitchen of the Scavengers ship. Hatchet, crankcase, and Crowbar was singing as they grilled Energon Burgers as Flyhigh, Misfire, Fulcrum and Skytread was eating. They were talking about various subjects.
“Fulcrum, if you would marry a girl, who would it be” Hatchet asked
“Ither the Decepticon Torque or the Mercenary Nightbird”
“Torque because we were once really close to being in a relationship friends, Nightbird because I sort of crush on her”
“Fulcrum, Chose Torque, don’t try to date a Mercenary”
“What about you Flywheels”?
“I love our captain Krok, I had a love called Spinster, but he died”
“Sad flywheels sad”
“I love you Flywheels” Krok said
“And I love you to”
“Enough about romance, what about adventure”
“What about the time where we fought some Chaosteros on LV-117”
“Eh not that bad, what we need is something big, something that could threaten our race so we can stop it”
“Black box Consortia”?
“No Flyhigh that organisation isn’t enough”
“No, don’t be silly”
Gatoraider comes in in a panic, with some scans.
“Krok a planetoid ship is nearby”
Krok looks at the scans. It looks like three warworld fused together with wings and a tower in the middle gap. It was chrome in colour and written “The Hub” in Cybertronian”
“We must report this immediately”
“Already did sir, Demolisher said to Observe it”
Krok then got a S.O.S from a cybertronian ship. His ship detected it to be 1 mile away. The scavengers go to the coordinates and board the ship.
“This is an Autobot ship” Misfire concerned about
“Were scavengers, we help those who in need, even Autobots”
“To tell you the truth that got us almost killed 2000 times Krok”
They get to the control room and find Adronitia, Tapout, Glyph and Highbrow, Highbrow sees the scavengers.
“Please don’t kill us Decepticons” He plea
“Don’t worry, we don’t kill if we not in battle, introduce me to your crew”
“That’s Adronitia, her uncle Tapout and Glyph who is Tapout Partner”
“In charge of a family, that’s impressive, are you related to any of them”
“Not really, I’m More related to Obsidian and his bodytype then anyone else”
“What’s your problem”
“we were attacked by Jhiaxus soldiers, we were sent to investigate a ship”
“The Hub right, we just found out about a ship called the hub nearby”
“Good we were just investigating that”
“Us to, we should work together on this one”
“I agree on that whole Hartley”
“O come on were in a war”
“and were not in a war zone right now Crowbar”
“Fine, let’s work together”
“Yay we can see what’s hidden in that planet thingy” Yelled Tapout.
“Then it settled, were going to break into the Hub”
On the Hub Jhiaxus is discussing with his generals Hailstorm and Mindset as the look at a monitor of the ship.
“Sir we have failed you, The Autobots survived and the Decepticons have found out about the Hub”
“Don’t worry you two, there’s still time to kill these members of your former factions and get forgiveness”
“What sir, what do you command us to do”
“Block communications and Let them Board my ship”
“Master, Board the ship and let them know” Said a surprised Rook who has just arrived”
“Yes but after venturing deep into my home capture them and bring them to me for judgement”
“Yes sir, we’ll do that immediately” Said Hailstorm
“We will not mess up” Said Mindset
“Don’t make a promise like that but do not fail”
“Yes sir” they all said”
“Good now bring them to me” Jhiaxus said
The scavengers and Autobots go near the Hub on the Weak Anthropic Principle. All happy but some tensions from the Dreads.
“So, what do you think he dose in there, Jhiaxus is hardly known by me”
“I here he a biologist, something to do with I don’t know like making monstrosities and other things”
“Na that’s Shockwave’s thing, He probably captures cybertronians and brainwash them to his side”
“I here he milks captured cybertronians dry of their energon”
“Sorry Krok” The dreads say
“Sorry at yelling at you, sometimes it’s hard to control your mouths”
“I heard that he was renowned on his work on Cloning” Said Adronitia
“Cloning, well how he going to power sparkless beings”
“Clones can be Sparkless Tapout”
“Not the clones I’ve met Glyph”
“You are talking about the Constructicon warrior bodytype, there their own person”
“Sorry, it’s so hard to tell a clone from a drone”
“O come on even drones have sentience; you can’t assume all drones are mindless”
Krok, though frustrated keeps his cool and finds an entrance point in which his ship can dock in. Despite objection he tried to park in, and his ship perfectly plugged into the port.
“How convenient, a docking bay”
“I told you not to dock here”
“And I told them to shut their mouths”
“Okey Krok, I know your angry but please lighten up”
“Krok Flywheels is right when we’re docking here, it feels like a trap”
“When is the last time when we went somewhere, and it was a trap”
“When we were mistaken by the DJD as criminals and almost died”
“I swear, do you do this to annoy me or your that dumb”
“Both really”
“excuse me for a second”
Krok screams in anger like if their nobody in the room, everybody was on edge and most likely been heard by their ambushers.
“Let’s move on”
The team move through the ship passing through ever corridor, moist of it was empty hallways depicting Cybertronian faction symbols. There was a terminal computer every 5 miles of tunnel.
Krok noticed that their nobody here which is strange because the life signs were off the charts. Then he noticed two pods on the side of the wall. There were bots connected to various wires and pipes.
“Told you, their draining cybertronians of their energy”
“No cranky, there are cloning pods” Sky-high said
“I always thought that they were cleaner process”
“It is, this is an older cloning machine from before the war” said glyph
“Hey, look at that” exclaimed Tap out.
He noticed one pod with a white version of himself in it, the pod was labelled ‘Tap out clone’ He goes to touch it and a slot opens with a Cybertronian faction chip.
“Hey this is a personality chip, Glyph can you pass me my bag”
He gets out a Autobot personality chip and put in in place of the old chip. Krok sees another tube with a clone and gives it a Decepticon Personality chip.
Suddenly the pods start making electrical noises and start to glow for 50 second before stopping. Then two bots come out.
“Who am I” said the white clone
“You don’t have a name yet, but we share the exact same CNA” Tapout said
“Am I a clone of you, inferior to you”
“Not at all, in fact I consider you my new twin brother since we share the same CNA”
“Ok I like that but what’s my name”
“Think of one”
“Albinobee because of my white paintjob”
“Then who am I” the red one said
“Not sure who but you are your own person”
“In that case Im Stinger”
Krok the heard the same flash and noise behind him as he turned he saw Hatchet and Adronitia. Krok gave them a stare but they didn’t respond.
Stinger and Albinobee walked towards the new clones as they walked to them and the stared at each other in nervousness.
“Hi, Im Stinger”
“Im Albinobee”
The seemed to get along with each other, it was like there were friends on site.
“Aww, love on sight”
“Shush, don’t ruin the moment” Said Flywheels
“Sorry, im touchy on romance” Said Fulcrum
Suddenly their surrounded by various soldiers, all dressed in Dark teal and white and were similar to Autotroopers, even sharing the same head type for the male Soldiers. But they had red visors, eyes and sported different Alt-modes. As well as Autotroopers are black and white. 
They didn’t know what to do as they were surrounded by the troopers. Stinger noticed that they wore the symbol on the wall and was confused.
“Why they were different symbols to both our factions, v Aren’t their just bot and con”
“No their Mercenary, Malignus and Guardian. The second and third are pre Autobot and had their own war”.
“Who won it”
“Us really, historically when they weaken enough Nominus, and his small faction took over and ruled for some few million years”
“Wow, let them ware out and conquer them both when their weak strategy, impressive.”
“Silence” Said mindset as he walked into the room, He was white and blue in colour scheme, had a yellow visor and sported ruminates of a Autobot Insignia.
“You were an Autobot”?
“Once, I left it before the war to change our race”
“Why” Hatchet asked
“I’ll let him tell you that”
The gang and the Cybertronians go through lots of tunnels, and more tunnels and everybody felt a loss of energy. They got joined by Rook who escorted them to their masters Throne room as Hatchet would say.
“How much longer, I might collapse and deactivate right here”
“Not much further Mindset, you can refill after you get to the throne room”
After a long walk the finally got to their meeting place, the Throne room. Inside there was lots of ancient weaponry, deactivated but not unusable.
Krok noticed a Throne with a Cybertronian his size but one third taller. His paintjob was of Different shades of orange and brown, he had golden yellow optics and a certain menace.
“Krok, I’ve been waiting for your arrival”
“I don’t think I know you, can you tell me your name please”
“Well I put it simple so the less intelligent of your grope”
“Hey that’s not nice”
“Shut up, master talking”
“Wait your Jhiaxus”!?
“Yes I am Jhiaxus, and I’ve been waiting for somebody to find me”
“Really, why did you attack our ship”
“It’s a joke”
“But the Joke’s on you”

What will happen to our Decepticon and autobot heroes, read part two for more.



7.Jhiaxus Stormtroopers



Jhiaxus and Rook
Dreads in kitchen

Highbrow behind Krok

Jhiaxus on throne


Despite the depiction of the dreads here in picture, their no longer the canon depiction since the publishing of their modern character models.



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