The hunt for the Bounty



On spaceport H52, Roadrage is drinking energon with Devcon, and Lockdown where they get a message with a reward for the Decepticon warlord Gigastorm set by the Autobots.

Roadrage went to her shape to see where Gigatron was via a tracker she implanted on him and Transwarped to his location which was earth, When she got their she turned on her cloaking device so Lockdown doesn't find her. 

She chose to select achieve Camaro when she found out her brother Tracks was on that planet and since they were heading to the same thing she chose to join him so she can get more help when capturing Gigatron.

She went into the Earth atmosphere with stealth tech to meet him. When she got to him he was with a team who was sent to investigate Decepticon Activity(This included: Hoist, Trailbreaker, Smokescreen, and Twincase).

They drove the rest of the trip where they ended up near an abandoned missile silo, It was full of steel which some were new. Smokescreen said they were somewhere on site but Roadrage knew it was Gigatron.

As they drove further they came face to face with Gigatron and his crew: Dreadwing, Smokebomb and Fasttrack. As they battled Smokebomb and Dreadwing tried to defend Gigatron from Roadrage, but she got passed them.

Roadrage pinned him at gunpoint and was ready to capture him when lockdown came for the same thing. A battle between Her and Lockdown started which included using a lot of weapons. They were equally matched, but Lockdown was more sneaky.

The gun fight got intense, so it swapped into a fistfight which Roadrage was winning. Then they realised that they lost track of their target and that’s when they saw Devcon scoop up Gigastorm and fly away.

Overall even though Roadrage failed to get Gigatron she was still rated the second-best Bounty hunter in autobot ranks by Starsaber himself. That made her feel better when Lockdown was angry. She also at least captured Smokebomb and Dreadwing.





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