Meeting Aqwarius


On the lost light Brainstorm was replacing the old  Guardian-era software with more modern Autobot software. Nautica came and offered some help but he said he's fine. Megastar announced that they would explore an new barren world and see if it's Viable for autobot use.

After finishing his job he went with Shockfleet where the others were discovering lots about the environment. Brainstorm and Nautica breaks off from the rest and explores on their own, eventually finding a ship.

The pair met Aqwarius, who was a kind Quintesson despite first appearance. Aqwarius explained who she was and wanted to know some cybertronian history in exchange for Quintesson history.

Brainstorm explained the Autobot and Decepticon factions without mentioning the great war whilst also telling about the state of Cybertron. Aqwarius told about the Quintesson origin story and also how they turned from a war-based empire to an economic empire.

Brainstorm and Nautica left and went to the others, who were attacked by some local beasts, luckily Brainstorm used an invention on it to chase them away and the grope left the planet, leaving a tracker beacon on the planet. 

As they were in space Megastar contacts her superiors and tell them that the new planet was perfect for a base, as it was also rich in energon .She couldn't come up with a name however Brainstorm called it Aquarius and the grope finalises it as the name for the world.

Aboard Amory flagship Amory listens to the intercepted conversation of Ginrai and Megastar presented by Blitzwing. Fathom urged her to attack the still unclaimed world but she said it was a waste of resources, however she’ll get it check out by a grope of Decepticons as she looks into space.


3.Alpha Q(mentioned)




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