Battle of Aquatron


In the middle of Battle, the Autobots Pincher and Seawatch were fighting on the battlefield, they were destroying many Decepticon soldiers as the battle of Aquatron rages on. While in the middle of fighting, A Decepticon leaper landed in the area.

Many Autobots confronted the Leaper, Including Seawatch, but the Decepticon Super-soldier was a bit too tough for them. Pincher got involved and shot some heavy rounds in the Decepticons back, which ignited it’s back and caused a surge in the Decepticon body, killing the Leaper.

However more Decepticon leapers surrounded them, They were expected to be killed but they instead were going to be put in front of the leader of the Ultracon sub-faction leader known as Ratbat, who was a prominent Decepticon himself.

As their thrown into the brig, both Pincher and Seawatch start discussing what to do, Seawatch says that it’s the perfect time to assassinate Ratbat, But  Pincher reminds his comrade that their pretty helpless in this situation, and need to keep their heads low, for now.

Meanwhile in space, Ratbat was directing his forces, unknown to him though, Is that two Autobot known as Grotusque and Twinferno. Disguising themselves as Decepticons, they infiltrated the Decepticon bridge, where they stood in a corner listening to Ratbat.

The two bots discussed with each other on how to take down Ratbat, Grotusque wanted to eat Ratbat but Twinferno cited that would be cannibalism, Grotusque defended his point by saying that their both Phristoricons and Ratbat is a Dronbat, so it wouldn’t be cannibalism even if he did eat him.

The quietly whispered back and forward on the matter until somebody came into the door, It was two Decepticon Leapers manhandling Pincher and Seawatch. They knew they were Autobots, and they changed their plans to save their allies.

The Phristoricons observed as Ratbat monologued to the two captured Autobots, Grotusque started to get bord but Twinferno knocked him to his senses by hitting him on the head. Eventually Grotusque noticed a Ship approaching the ship they were in.

The smaller Ship crashed into the room they were in, which caused a great panic to arise. The two Phristoricons used this opportunity to free their Autobot Comrades. Ratbat was shocked on how low his security was, but he needed to escape, and so did they.

The four Autobots ran to the nearest escape pods, killing some Decepticon on the way(or Ultracons, doesn’t matter), All four of them surprisingly fitted into the escape pod and the jettisoned themselves out of the crashing ship, which was due course to crash into the ocean.

After they landed in the ocean, the four bots got out of the escape pod. Their was a small island nearby and they went there, Seawatch and Pincher were resting on the rock while Twinferno and Grotusque flew around, when something cached the latter eyes.

It was a small creature flying near him and he followed it, as he went to investigate the creature he realised it was Ratbat, Taking this opportunity, He flew as fast as he could with his mouth open and caught the Ultracon leader in his mouth before swallowing him whole.

Twinferno cached up, but didn’t realise what Grotusque did, Twinferno berated him for wandering around, which Grotusque just kept quiet for, before they both left for the Autobot based on the planet, but nobody will never know…

That he ate Ratbat!(and no It’s not cannibalism at all, their two different species from Cybertron, yes their both sentient, but everything is more or less from that metal ball, it’s no different from a human eating a bat, disgusting yes, but not what you think I did)




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