The Confrentation


On aboard Gereral Violengiguar ship, Sharpedge was getting out of his stasis pod, only to wake up to Doomwings and flinch fighting nearby, just another day he thought, He went to the command deck of the ship, where he passed some Leapers on the way.

He was quite nervous to meet Violengiguar, even though he was a good bot, his towering presence was one to be sure. When he entered the command deck, He saw the Decepticon General sitting in his command chair.

Violengiguar invited him to stand next to him, and Sharpedge complied, Sharpedge started looking into deep space, reminding himself of how long he was their. This isn’t his first time in space, he served under Ghoulron and Gladiaron before, but it still looked the same vastness as it always did.

Now that he thinks about it, he heard about deep space when he first heard about Blackshadow and Bacchus, Infamous Malignus who went missing, assumingly escaping to deep space, nobody actually known what happened to them to be frank.

Violengiguar finally spoke, he asked him how he felt about space in general, Sharpedge started talking about how desolate it looks, yet can be so beautiful. Violengiguar agreed with him, saying that even to this day, space itself was a special gift of sorts for the eyes to see.

Sharpedge didn’t understand the last part, so Violengiguar elaborated that Space will not always look like this, that even it would fade one day, maybe not in their lifetime, but everything would come to an end, this gave a perspective Sharpedge never thought of before.

Before he could reply though, they were interrupted by a Galactic council warship, or what could be possibly a Black Box consortia vessel, nearing their position in space.  Violengiguar established a communications channel, getting the captain of the vessel online

The captain of the vessel was a black box consortia, who's goal is to end mechanical life in the same way some more vile Decepticons want to destroy organic life. Violengiguar informed the captain he's intruding into Decepticon space, though he knew full well what the captain goal is.

The captain started laughing, before ordering his ship to fire on Violengiguar vessel, the Decpeticon general responded in the same manner, and the two sides were locked in a navy battle, one in Violengiguar favour.

The Battle caused Sharpedge to fall onto the floor, Violengiguar helped him to get up, something he didn't expect to happen. on another channel he ordered Crashbash to get the crew to activate their EMP charges and use them against the consortia's vessel

Sharpedge watched as they fired two EMP energy charges at their assailants, deactivating their ships defences and other electronics, though quite useless to Cybertronian vessels(only being able to weaken shields) it can completely fry a consortia ship.

Violengiguar said they were leaving the vicinity, when Sharpedge asked what would happen when the consortia founded out, Violengiguar assured him that they won't find this ship for a while, and if they did it wouldn't amount to that much in their aggression they already have.

Violengiguar then ordered Sharpedge to go to the lower decks to check on inventory, which he went to do, though in the back of his mind, Sharpedge wondered how it felt to have died in such a fashion, no Cybertronian could suffocate, and only went to stasis lock in freezing temperatures.

However those Consortia members did, and he wondered how it felt in their last moments, and answer he may never get an answer to. And a question he dismissed as he when to do the job Violengiguar told him to do






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