Transformer vengeance 2 of 4


two years later,

Bumblebee was driving with Neil and Nesta nelson when they saw the Neo-knights tried to stop Insecticons  from stealing a object which they failed to stop. Bumblebee couldn't  reviled himself so he did nothing.

Back at base the Autobots are enjoying energon sent from Sterofrost. Hot rod came back from a race and had a shiny trophy, Arcee and Windblade on the other hand found a piece of  Ore 13 in Ukraine.

A week later the Nelsons are on holiday in Ukraine, the same place that the Decepticons were cloning insecticons and Phristoricons to use them to Concore the planet. 

Neil and Nesta saw a seeker fly by to the area. Optimus prime, bumblebee, Grimlock ,Arcee, Hot rod, Guzzle and some vehicons went to stop them. Needler controlled the autobot Insecticons with them as well.

When they arrived at the facility(which was a big dome) they noticed that the wildlife was more violent around the facility. They Also Noticed the Neo-knights who attacked them Mistaking them for the Occupants. Once they settled down they banded together to take Down the Decepticons.
 As they break down the doors Decepticon reinforcement And they locked themselves in battle, Circuit Breaker used her abilities until she was blasted by Brail. At the same time Neil Found The second Omegarus Key And Nesta extracted A silver of Ore 13.
The Autobots and Thunderpunch  found the chamber and found that it was powered by the third Omegarus key which they took. Shockwave revealed himself and activated the Phristoricons but one pod Absorbed some qualities of Grimlock and Divebomb was born.

Divebomb Went into the battle and Help win the battle with reinforcements .Optimus won against Megatron and the Decepticons retreated and the Autobots And Neo-knights Parted ways, Needler went back to Sterofrost. But Divebomb stilled battled with Shockwave.

Shockwave shames Divebomb for siding with the Autobots which resulted with him being throwed to the next room with a explosive which'd ended him. Divebomb left with some devices and left unknowing Brail was watching Him.

When he showed this to prime one device intrigued him when activated it detected a faint signal which was figured out to be the Allspark. They were happy since they have to only find on more  Omegarus key.

9.Autobot insecticons

1.Decepticons insecticons



The Neo-knights are from the marvel continuity
The new con Brail replaces Swindle when it comes to the combaticons.


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