Spotlight lyzack

Lyzack expresses her current life, Though on the run she loves her current situation but dose misses Grimaster. She also explains that only Goryu mistreats her. Three kids(pounce, wingspan and Spacewarp) came to her and she kissed them, they asked for dinner and she said its coming soon. Then Apeface and Snapdragon came and complemented the ma.

Then she then explains about being a carer and the Adoption system on Cybertron which all sparkling's are put in care of somebody and those people are the bots parents. Goryu came and taunted her. Mindwipe asked when is dinner and she said it was now.

After dinner most of the adult transformers went minus Goryu and Esmaral. Goryu reminded Lyzack about the bet they've met which made Lyzack asked if he really hated her. After he left Lyzack thought about the innocence that Grimaster actually has. Then the Alarm went off as the DJD came to kill them. They set a trap and caught most of the DJD and Nickel complemented Lyzack and Esmaral health.

Then somebody captured Lyzack, She thought it was Goryu but it was actually Tarn who wanted his teammates back. But Goryu knocked him out. Goryu helped her up and waited till 11 o'clock and gave her a mug and saying that he considers her a sister. 

The next day She is relaxing while Tracer covers her in Jewry, Leozack came and asked if she was all right which she was and said that she no more protection from crew members because everybody at piece as she looks at a photo with her and  Grimaster in it.





The transformers have an adoption system which anyone who raises a kid is the kids parents.



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