Spotlight Windblade

 led by Thunderclash, Bumblebee was checking Broadsides file when they came across a camian ship which Scrash noted haven't been seen for the last million years. Nightcruz said Caminus is rather isolated.

When they boarded the ship Bumblebee meet Windblade. their was around 13 occupancies(Swift,Novastar/Firestar, Chromia, Velocity, Rustdust, Pyra magna,  Dustup, Jumpstream, Skyburst, Stormclash Nautica and Skimmer). As they were towed  Windblade told her story of how she got here. 

When they got to Cybertron Windblade was eager to go to Nominus Prime. After explaining her purpose Nominus gave a long think and was to answer when a MP called and he said that he call on the weekend and till then Bumblebee is her bodyguard. Windblade was sad but Bumblebee said he could give her a tour.

When they got to his house he was greeted by his sister Diabla and son Rubble. Diabla made said that she's 'nice for you' which annoyed him. Ricochet tried to calm his children down when turbo came but said a Similar comment. Bee told them to stop but they say who knows?

Rubble greeted Windblade before going back to playing with his toy blaster. They then went to the library where Windblade met Orion Pax and was given one of Megatron's essays. Elita came and hugged Pax and Aftershock and Dion was reading and greeted Bumblebee.

Suddenly the Library was attacked by a criminal unit lead by Steeljaw and was disappointed in what the seek wasn't in the Archives. As he was to order something he was cuffed by Bee and Bumblebee defeated the rest of the grope.

Later that day they went near by the colosseum and met Chromia with her new friend Ironhide which Windblade notes  she isn't that social and she said she wouldn't be any more social. Windblade got interested in the colosseum and Bumblebee went their with her and booked tickets for but warned her she might find it scary.

When they started the scene of the gladiatorum got bloody and Windblade was petrified and Bumblebee had to calm her down despite the comments he got. When it was over Windblade noticed that Nominus was their and he retired[Or freed as he said but really retire] the winner and the crowd shouted his name which was Megatron!



9. Dustup





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