The battle of Nebulon

Hello, this is my first short novella, its not finish yet but I'll give a non picture version of the text. Unlike my other story posts their will be a PDF of the story to View only.

Across a valley decimated by war, a Young Nebulan girl named Amy Melos was crossing the battle torn valley. This place wasn’t always like this. In fact their planet didn’t used to suffer from war.

Amy remembers before the Cybertronian civil war came to their world of Nebulon it was perfect. No violence of any kind. The Hive was the respected ruling government of the land and a Nebulan war hasn’t happened for 15 million years.

But that all changed when the Cybertronians came.
All that she knew of them is that their Mechanoids from the Metal planet they called Cybertron. There have been in war long before Nebulan existed.

She also knew that they were in Civil war. They have longed been feared by other races for their violence. She doesn’t know if their some good ones but its hard to tell. She never met one.

Then she noticed a shadow, larger then she has known. She turned around and then she saw one. She was but a speck to it. Its yellow optics looked at her. Its white paintjob was broken up by pieces of red paint.

It keeps on looking at her with a malice in its optics. It raised it’s left leg and was to squish her when it got shot. She looked and saw the titan battling a smaller member of his species. It appears to be female and turns into some aircraft with a green paintjob. It shot the white one with its weapons. Amy Heard the white one screaming in terrible pain but she felt a bit of pity for it, a little bit.

The white Cybertronian eventually escaped. The green one faced her and gazed at her, but she felt no fear. She saw goodness in its heart.
It spoke to her in a gentle voice.
“are you okey little one” she said.
“yes, thanks for saving me from that big cybertronian” Amy replied.
“What’s your name” she asked.
“Amy” Amy replied
“Wingblade, name is similar to a camian of similar name, but I’m called Wingblade” She said
“thanks Wingblade” Amy replied, “Who tried to kill me”.
“The Decepticon Demolisher, Member of the Constructicons division of the Decepticons”.
Amy remembered something. The first of the Cybertronians to come called themselves Decepticons. They allied with the Hive to keep their Oppressive rule. The resistance tried to defeat the Hive but the Decepticons decimated them.
Her mother was a resistance member along with her father. But she knew that only recently.
“Wingblade, do you know of a mike Melos, I’m his Daughter, I’ve been meaning to find him”.
“Well Amy, I’ll take you to base. I don’t guarantee your farther there, but you’ll be safer there”.
Wingblade transformed into a cybertronian plane mode and Amy hop inside before they took to the skies. It took a good hour, but they got to the resistance base.
Wingblade landed and Amy got out. Wingblade talked to a silver bot with an orange visor and no mouth to be seen. After a few minutes they were allowed in.
“Thanks Terminask” Wingblade said, Terminask just gave a thumbs up. As they walked around she saw more Cybertronians. Some were small, others were big. Most were bigger than a Nebulan but all in the base wore a red insignia of two variations.  The one with the mouth more than the one with the faceplate.
Amy then got a glimpse of her farther in a mechanical suit. And ran to him in joy.
“Father” she replied.
Her Farther hugged her with great joy and was happy to see her. He was amazed that she was here.
“Amy, how did you find me, where your mother” he said
“Mom is at another base. Wingblade found me?” Amy replied.
“How did you get this Mechanical suit on you?”
Before he could reply everybody stopped talking as a Decepticon in restraints was rolled by. It was bloody orange in colour and had one crimson optic. It seems to turn into a Tank.
Then a blue bot even bigger then Demolisher came out. He was blue in colour and where a battle mask. He wears the red symbol and looks as if he was the leader.
He started talking to the Decepticon.
“What’s your reason of coming here Sixshot, you can’t walk near or base and not be captured” the blue bot said.
“Dai Atlas I thought your smarter than this, I’ve come here to help you, not harm your Autobots” Sixshot replied
“What of you come to tell of, it’s probably a trap from Straxus” Dai Atlas said.
“How dare you associate me with that Insolent mad mech, no need to trust me but at least here me out” Sixshot grumbled
“Fine” Dai Atlas replied
Sixshot told him about summoning an Armada of Decepticons to Terraform Nebulon via a spacebridge and use it to become the Decepticon leader.
Dai Atlas thought about it well and replied to the Cyclops.
“I can’t be sure to trust you but even as a trap their only one spacebridge I know of, We must retaliate to win the battle on Nebulon” He cried.
Amy Agreed to become a Power master like her farther and went to suit up. Wingblade went to Sixshot and asked him why he’s helping an Autobot.
Sixshot replied with a story.
Decepticon base, Sixshot talking to Straxus.
“You can’t be serious, why do we need to kill every Organic world we come across” Sixshot Exclaimed.
“Your loyalty to the Decepticon cause has been Questionable Sixshot, are you having a change of heart” Straxus growled.
“Straxus, my loyalty is to Megatron, I’ve became a con to make our world a better place, where you kill even a sparkling for crying out load” Sixshot said in a furious tone
“Sixshot, Im really tempted of killing you now. You don’t have a say in my plans, While Megatron’s not here I rule” Straxus cried.
“No!, Straxus I can see your hidden ambition of replacing him, with you in charge we’ll all be driven to Extinction, all of our kind will be melted at some point by your smelting pool and without the allspark we’ll perish”.
“In that case I’ll start with you, Shrapnel, Bombshell, Kickback, get him”. 

The trio assaulted him but Sixshot retaliated by throwing Bombshell out of the window. Followed by her accomplices.
Sixshot ran as fast as he could. Killzone and Grinder tried to restrain him but Killzone got killed and Grinder unconscious. Sixshot got to the door where he escaped.
By the time he finished his story the Autobots were ready for battle. Turns out Sixshot was right, and they prepare to stop Straxus.
Amy in her Power master exo-suit saw her transactor and transformed and Binary bonded to her transactor. Turning into a bot similar looks to Minerva but has a different colour scheme. With the robot face the same colour as her skin.
They boarded the shuttle and went into the atmosphere where the Decepticons were gathering on a Nebulan Space station. Amy was on a shuttle along with her dad, Terminask, Wingblade and Sixshot.
Amy finally speaks:
“How did the Decepticons start in the first place” she asked.
“Same reason the resistance started” he replied in a cold tone “The resistance rebels against the hive, The Decepticons rebelled against the Senate and Functionist council, the difference is that after winning their view turned into Galactic conquest and Civil war erupted, sending their planet to near death”.
Then Gunfire was heard as the battle started.
One starfighter sized bombers came and transformed into the Decepticon Killmaster. He landed on the shuttle and was to blast a hole in it when Terminask shot him and engaged in a space battle.
Terminask continually shot Killmaster with his Mega null ray and critically damaged Killmaster. He tried to damage Terminask with his POKE but ended up damaging his own face when he missed by a second. This gave Nask a chance to shot him in the face, killing the giant Behemoth.
The Autobots were advancing near the Space station. Hive ships tried to defend it as much as they could but the Autobots were breaking into their forces.
Straxus constructicons were the biggest threat after Killmaster. Amy (in her transactor) Jumped on One of The Constructicons.
The Constructicons was Very familiar, Amy realised it was the One who tried to squish her. It was Demolisher. The behemoth spoke to her in a sinister tone but his voice in unexpected.
“Ah, so the organic is playing with costumes, no matter I’ll just rip you of your transactor Headmaster” he said
“Sorry to inform you but i'm a Power master” Amy replied
Amy got her  blaster and shot him. He was to retaliate when he was called back and ran away. He wasn’t to be seen anywhere but he was assumed to be alive.
Dai Atlas was battling Straxus and it seemed he had the upper hand in the battle. Straxus was struggling but had a smug face.

“Straxus your plan to Terraform Nebulon is Futile, Freedom is the right of all Being” he angerly told him.
“Fool, Decepticons are the only beings worth living, all other must be driven to Extinction! Organic, technorganic and to and all non Decepticon Mechanoid”!
“Your willing to drive your own kind to extinction Straxus”?
“Yes, I’ll do what Megatron could of done if he wasn’t chasing some random Allspark and rule the universe”!
“ As long as I live I’ll defend the weak, The helpless, the good and stop at nothing to prevent your dream”
"Then you will die with them! Join them in extinction!"
Straxus pushes Dai Atlas towards a moon before rushing their with his thrustors. Dai atlas tried to escape but Straxus follows. Straxus disables his thrustors and Atlas falls to the ground where Straxus penetrated deep into his chest with the spear side of his Pickaxe weapon, killing him.
Amy tried to Attack Straxus but Straxus served her Transactor in half and Stranglehold had to take her to safety.
“I’ve won, Dai Atlas has fallen, Now you all will face death”!

Then He got shot By Sixshot, Damaged from battling other troops but fine.
The traitor and the Dictator entered in combat. Straxus was losing his edge. And for once afraid, afraid of the fury in the cyclops optic, he knew that unlike Atlas he’s not going to back down even as his spark was diminishing.

“O Sixshot, you finally betrayed the Decepticons. Now I have enough dirt to kill you”.
“You corrupted the Decepticons, Megatron never had the Idea of Galactic conquest and Technoistic ideal. Just a unified Decepticon Cybertron under his rule, I always hated you and now have the chance to end yours”!
Sixshot grabs one of Straxus shoulders and rips a chunk off. He then deployed a Similar Pickaxe and engaged him in Pick axe fight.
Terminask came to the spacebridge in which he tried to sabotage the spacebridge. He changed the Coordinates to a random location and sent an Automatic shutdown.
“This is Terminask, Spacebridge is to explode in T minus 10 minutes. Evacuate to planet Nebulon or anyone within 3 miles will be critically damaged”.

As all the Autobots and Decepticons evacuated. With the Decepticons returning to Karn, A Decepticon planet and only a few lightyears away. They use a trans warp beacon to teleport to Karn.
“You fool, come back, Ah why did I think of using a trans warp beacon instead.”

“Straxus you’re a bigger loser then I thought. Your Armada is escaping when you could summon the rest of your troops.”
“You right, I’m very obsessed with Omnicide that I ignored new technology and for what, To achieve in what my farther failed”
“My farther was a Senator, You were a senator, we similar but are completely different”

What was your favourite line, Oh yea…”?
Sixshot flies near the spacebridge and is to throw Straxus into the unstable portal.
“Sixshot, I know what you’re planning, I dare you not to do this” Straxus plea.

“Mercy is not dispensed here, fools... only death!”
“Hey, that’s me and my father’s iconic line before we throw somebody into a smelting pit”!
Sixshot throws him into the collapsing portal. Straxus holds onto the spacebridge but he fall into it followed by the spacebridge portal and ring collapsing.

Sixshot flies away but is caught in the blast. He survives but is in stasis lock. Terminask flies in and scoops him up before flying back to Nebulon.

1783/4000 years later:
Its been millennia since the battle of Nebulon. Being Organics Amy and Mike Melos has long perish. But forged a new government to rule the 25 million year old Nebulan republic.
Since then the Nebulan republic has been allies to the Autobots despite the galaxy disapproval of involvement in the cybertronian war.

In the Nebulon capital Koraja one bot stands, His paintjob mostly white and his one Optic a blue as the sky. Highbrow approaches him in warm greeting.
“Commander Greatshot, we have information about the location of Combatron”.
“Great job Highbrow, we leave from tonight”.
“Sir can I ask a question”.
“sure, nothing too personal”
“Sir how was it like to be a Decepticon sir”.

“Not much difference then being a Autobot except it’s more stressful and more chaotic when it comes to Hierarchy”.
“I never hated anyone except Straxus, now he’s dead I can start a new life”.
“Do you think he survived, at least his parts”?
“Unlikely Highbrow unlikely”
“Sir you got to see this”
“What is it, I hope it isn’t a waste of time”
“Look what we found right know”
He looks at Straxus head.
“What is that”?
“A head of a 5000-year-old robot head, we not sure the head it self is 5000 year old but it seems to be radioactive”
“Your saying this have extra-terrestrial origins, alien”?
“imagine what new technologies would come from this”
“I know”
“do you think this guy is familiar”?
“not really, it dose resemble Acanoth Autobots”
“Same species”
“If it is related it could help us rule the world”
“Yes sir”
“Sir our discover is one of a lifetime”
“Your right, take it to base”
The head stands cold and still but their something not right about it. One of his eyes started flickering on and off. Then that eye turned on and glared as Straxus plans for his return.
Is this the end or just the Beginning?






1.Asp scientist
2.Asp director

Sixshot is attacked

Transformer deaths

Straxus's head




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