the scavengers vs Jhiaxus 2 of 2

Prelog:  Jhiaxus academy of science
Jhiaxus look at the news of Zeta prime death and sigh about it, knowing that one day war will return to his race and his kind will die. Cognive goes to the room and confronts him.
“Jhiaxus are you ok” Cognive asked
“No! Sorry Cognive, I’m just depressed”
“Because of ever nearing war”
“Yes, we both know what war’s like, I fear this one will destroy our race”
“I’ll give you advice”
“If you don’t want to participate in the upcoming war then stay neutral, leave Cybertron if you have to”
“And remember this all conflicts can be resolved”
“Thanks Cognive”
Jhiaxus looks at diagrams of the Hub and a cloning pod.
Main story:
“But the Joke’s on you”
“What joke”
“Are you that dumb”
“And are you that racist”
“Never mind the moments gone now”
“What do you do here” Said Flywheels
“Well I tell you considering you’re going to die soon” 
“For Eons our race was at a putrid war against one another, I’m sick of the bloodshed so I hatched a plan, using this failed project from Nominus time, this ship, I take as many CNA samples as I can, clone them and use them as the new generation of our kind before wiping out the old”
“How did you acquire them”?
“My troops would hid in battle and collect parts of fallen Cybertronians or just parts lost in battle”
“Their were other ways I’ve acquired CNA but you can imagine it”
False convoy and Megaplex come into the room with Goldfire, everybody confused but most figure out who they are.
“So you brainwashed…”
“Clones, those three are clones”
“Sorry Krok, Crowbar really sorry”
“Krok is correct, these are the clones of Optimus prime and Megatron or I call the False convoy and Megaplex, each sporting opposite personalities then to the original”
“Why dose Megaplex has your bodytype and different colours”
“I slightly edited the original code with a strand of my own, out of all the clones he the only one of few considered not a clone because of Genetic engineering”
“This also applies to this Bot Goldfire, her base CNA is Actually of Goldbug believe it or not, but she also shares 40% of her genome with Nightracer, making her female, having Nightracer bodytype and her helmet. The rest is Bumblebee, it even slightly changes her helmet”
“O Bee will be mad”
“Shush Tapout”
“why kill all of us”
“Unless I get rid of the last generation everybody going to repeat, Autobots and Decepticons would corrupt my generation so I should eliminate”
“Now I’ve explained everything now how will we dispose of you”
“Like this”
Krok and the scavengers fire their weapons and something like Tear gas for Cybertronians and grab the Autobots as they escape.
When the gas clears the Decepticons are long gone as well as the Autobots. Jhiaxus is mad and his Soldiers take a step back.
“Get them, Don’t allow their escape”
“Ah finally got out, it was boring” Misfire said
“Agreed, now lets get out of this wretched place”
The grope realise that Gatoraider was missing, the look to find tracks and finally saw him as he looked at the exit.
“My beloved Minicon Gatoraider, I thought you were with the grope, sorry for leaving you behind”
“No sorry me, I left before you got captured. I figured out Jhiaxus plan so I made a counterplan”
“Where heading for a planet called Karn, a world colonised by Jhiaxus, around a million live on that super earth, I installed a code in which the Hub would self destruct, Jhiaxus has a failsafe in which the clones are ejected out of the ship but the Hub itself would be destroyed along with anyone not in the clone ships”
“Genius Gatoraider, did you start it”
“Yes master Krok”
Krok noticed a similar flash of light from before with the noise, when he turned he saw Albinobee activate another clone with an autobot chip. The bot who awoken called herself Rollermaster. Krok noticed her similarities with Straxus but some notable differences for one being a girl, turning into some snow plough, and having a normal face.
“Hello, I’m Rollermaster, how can I help”
“Be wary of bots with that blue symbol”
“Gatoraider, Tell us the quickest route to Docking bay 113”
“Krok, its just 5 minutes”
“Oh, what’s the fastest route”
“That door over their”
They go through the door and go into a hallway, after three minutes they get to the place. They could feel the effects of the self-destruction already and saw ships full of clones heading for Karn.
“Why didn’t the place went kaboom yet”
“It takes an hour to fully start the self destruct”
“when did you start it”
“ some 15 minutes  ago”
“Then lets go”
Krok noticed some Jhiaxus troopers at their ship, Krok wasn’t in the mood for jargon so they just fired at them and hijacked their ship. They blasted them with blast to the head, knocking them out but not killing them.
“Flywheels start the engines, Skytread disengage us from the docking bay, Gatoraider set course for Mercenary station XB-9113”
“Mercenary station, do they exist” Said Tap out
“Of course, they build them to trade freely during the war”
“Wow, so neutral territory”
“That where we depart so we don’t end up killing each other”
“Fine by me”
The Weak Anthropic Principle fired it thrustors and flowed out of the docking bay and into space, the tanks were full for some reason. after getting to some distance from the hub they relax.
“how did you refilled the ship”
“I connected it to a fuel port when first entering the ship”
“Krok all the clone ships have be ejected”
“Why didn’t we take some clones”
“I’ll tell you later”
They witness the Hub collapse and implode as the go away in a dramatic explosion. Everybody celebrates and everybody is proud of saving their race.
“Yes, that was more epic then throwing a Chaosteros into a volcano”
“So much epic then even that DJD battle”
“Yes, that DJD battle was actually very traumatising for me”
“They were merciless, and above all they torture you to death and kill you with horrific machines”
“I was personally once on their list before I was pardoned by blowing up a n autobot ship”
“Yea, I can guess it was scary”

“It was scary, sleeping in a motel in a random place in the galaxy every night while on the run leaves you insecure”
“Yea I guess so”
“Before I became a con I was a drifter”
“Do you think Jhiaxus survived”
“Na man, don’t Jinx it”
“Probably not, nobody could survive that”
Krok noticed that an object was heading to their direction, once it got close he saw a spaceship, a guardian era one used similar to the seeker Tetrajet alt-mode but for space travel. Krok then realised it was Jhiaxus and went to face him.
“Krok, where are you going” 
“Ending Jhiaxus” 
“What he lives, big plot twist”
“Man you jinx it”
“I’m leaving now, see you after battling Jhiaxus if I live”
“Bye Krok”
He ejects himself into space, Jhiaxus transform’s and engages the Decepticon. Meanwhile Goldfire, Megaplex and False convoy discuss what happened.
“What should we do” Goldfire asked
“We should help Jhiaxus right”
“Megaplex this is his fight, we can’t interfere”
“Then what should we do”
“Go to this space station”
“Ok False convoy”
“Lets go then”
In space Krok and Jhiaxus are in a middle of a battle. Jhiaxus is heavily wounded but not bleeding due to the cauterising effect of Krok plasma cannon. Jhiaxus is in a full rage.
“You think you can ruin my eon long plan, kill all of my troopers and loyal generals and get away with it”
“Yea, this ‘ruining somebody’s plan and getting away with it’ is common for the scavengers”
“O really, that’s impressive”
“Yea, like you’re the 275th person who’s plan I foiled”
“well then I promise to make this your last meddling”
“Bring it on mad mech”
Krok shoots some rounds at Jhiaxus, Jhiaxus retaliated with an unseen plasma cannon. He fired at Krok at poor aim but Krok used the weaken behemoth damaged condition to his advantage. Krok got close to Jhiaxus and grabbed his gun arm and pointed it at his face. The pressure from the turning towards his face made the gun fire on his face, this damaged his face and almost killed him. Krok then fired on him with his plasma cannon and killed the old scientist.
On the space station the scavengers say goodbye to the autobot unit.
“Bye Krok and friends” said Albinobee
“Bye highbrow’s unit” said Gatoraider
The Autobots leave to Opulus, Krok reflects on the war and how that they could be one. He thinks to himself why dose the war continues when their race declines. How they should be in peace. Seeing the recent episode he lived through makes him hope for peace.
“Hey Krok, you ok”
Krok get to the real world in a café on the spacebridge, everybody is eating energon goodies,
“Yea, reflecting on the episode we lived through, do you think peace will happen”
“Yes Krok, its happened before”
Krok gets up as Overlord comes into the room, Krok stand up and expects the worst.
“Hey general Overlord, so how the war”
“It’s ok to talk about peace Krok”
“wow, not expecting that”
“I lived through the Malignus-Guardian war and seen war in a way this war lacks, it was more personal yet more passive in hate”
“And that means”
“After the war, the Guardians and Malignus became united by love for on another. Not as a singularity faction, but as a united community”
“Wow, that’s nice”
“Good, finish your meal and we talk on New Kaon”
“New Kaon, the new Kaon”
“Yes Krok, are you coming”
“Yes general Overlord”
“then see you at New Kaon Krok”
“So Krok, what’s our next destination”
“A meeting in New Kaon”
“What! Boring, can we go to charr”
“No, after this episode we need a break from adventuring for a day”
“You have a point Krok”
“Ok let’s go”
The scavengers finish their tea and board their shuttle, everybody was excited at the prospect of going to that special planet.
At the Autobot base on Opulus, Xaaron listens to the episode that played out and how the scavengers saved their race.
“So, the Decepticons aren’t obsessed at war as we thought”
“Well most cons aren’t that obsessed, but these ones wanted peace, I saw it in their sparks”
“We also recruited three bots to our cause”
Albinobee, Rollermaster and Jadebug wave their hands at Xaaron in greeting.
“That’s inpressive”
“Sir do you think the war can end in peace”
“Sure why not, can’t we be peaceful”
“yes sir”
“ well not the matter, are you sure of this planet called Karn exists”
“Because I need to know if your just misunderstand Jhiaxus claims”
“Sure, the Hub exploded their”
“well then I’ll send a team, though not you, to Karn”



though calling herself Jadebug, this Autobot would rename herself as Sedan

Error: Bumblebee, Goldbug and Nightracer are mentioned but not included in the main character list.



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