Neo beasts 3 of 3


A grope  consisting of Big convoy, Santon, Skywarp, Onyx primal and Rav. Rav was admiring her new tarpon mode but Onyx told them to stay alert before being attacked by the Cyborg beasts. They defeated the attackers but Big convoy was alerted t a deception who wanted their help. 

When they got to him he was sadly looking at a Photo. When he was asked what was wrong he explained that the criminals they were hunting kidnaped his consort Wipeout so they can reawaken Trypticon. This concerned Big convoy, so they agreed to help.

So they boarded the Predacon base with Acanoth soldiers. The Predacons defended their home greatly. They did surprisingly well against Fulltilt but they were destroyed like paper, and some died. Magmatron and Big convoy were fighting but Fulltilt was going to the place his love is.

He found her wired up to Trypticon but as he got closer he was attacked by Gigastorm who claim Trypticon awakening is impossible to stop and he will use him to conquer the world. Fulltilt defeated him before tapping into Trypticon.

Wipeout was happy to see him and together they shut down the Titan. The Pair thanked Big convoy and his crew along with Acanoth. Who survived were locked up in their ship and a farewell party was heled before the left for home.

20 years later and Big convoy is in a Museum full of Warlords. Since the incident Cybertron united as the Commandron faction and call their empire the Commandron imperium. Before Big convoy thanked Magmatron memorial for the help.






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