Jobs with competition


In deep space within Quintesson territory, Lockdown was traveling there to be hired for the recent bounty that was put up. Usually he wouldn’t deal with the traitorous squids, he would rather work with his main employer the Decepticons. However this bounty was set up by Alpha Q himself, so he’s giving it a chance.

He docked near the meeting place, which was a small base on a moon. As he went to the main meeting hall he met the familiar face of Death head and his rival Roadrage. In the meeting room their meet by the hologram of Alpha Q, who give them their target.

Their hired to deal with a grope of Mecannibals, and he made clear whoever deals with them will get paid. Back at his ship Lockdown travels to the last place these creatures were seen. Though many competitors were put off by the job, He’s annoyed that Death head and Roadrage took on the Job.

Especially his rival Roadrage, he looked up his data n Mecannibals and armed himself with the weapons necessary to kill them as he slowly docked at the abandoned space station. He had his weapons ready to kill as he slowly patrolled the station.

As he turned he gets face to face with his competitors. He and Roadrage point blaster at each other, but Death head reasoned with them as he killed a small Mecannibals in front of them. They saw the main nest finishing off their meal while they entered the main hall.

There were only 15 of them, but they were big. Their leader Mastermouth asked the hunters why they were intruding during mealtime as he gobbled down a Sharkticon alive. Multiple small Mecannibals attack them before they could speak a word, but they shot them down, killing one third of them within the room.

All of the Mecannibals came, with an extra 10 to boot, However the Bounty hunters all shot them down dead,  However Mastermouth was a larger problem as he was bigger than the others. He took his arm and pushed them against the wall to finish them(and eat the cybertronians later).

However before he could Lockdown stunned him and he fell(but he was alive).Back at Quintesson base Alpha Q congratulated them as they turned in Mastermouth. Alpha Q paid them a third of the reward each, with Death head being paid in credits and Lockdown and Roadrage were paid in energon.

As Lockdown left Roadrage congratulated him and wished to meet him again, which meant being a rival for Lockdown again. Later in Deep Cybertronian space, Lockdown contacts Soundblaster back on Cybertron on his success, and Soundwave noted they could sell the energon at a high price.

Auxiliary walked into the meeting and noticed the egg at Lockdowns side. When enquired Lockdown explained he took a Mecannibals egg as a trophy, Soundblaster was concerned but Lockdown assures him that for now, it’s safe for him to have an Mecannibal.




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