Crisis of Steam


It was the late 1896, and  Domitius major was leaving earth along with a still comatose Aura, He wanted Centurion to come with him back to Eukaris, however Centurion said that he still had work to do on this world, and he’ll call when necessary.

Main story:

Bumblebee, Wheeljack and the Autobot human friends (Neil Nelson, Nesta Nelson and Max Blue) were visiting an old train yard from the late 19th century near the Autobot base. Though Wheeljack didn’t see to much on the wow factor here, everybody else did.

Bumblebee asked what was so special about this place, Max said it was a cultural piece of history for the town, as many of the town settlers came here to build the station and the railroad here. Wheeljack did admit that it was somewhat nice, but not his taste non the least.

Neil, however, did tell the Autobot another reason on why the place is so special. Neil and Nesta family were some of the first settlers to come here to the area, while Wheeljack found that more interesting then the place itself, he was more curious about something he found.

He directed the rest of the bots to a certain area nearby, near a cave. Their they spotted three Decepticons(Makeshift, Cruellock and Calcar) trying to uncover something, Bumblebee tells the kids to get to somewhere safe as both bots went to investigate.

As the kids went back to the train station, they are meet by an old timely car, though not realising it a first, Neil recognised it as a cybertronian before the car itself transformed into Centurion. Though the kids were startled, Centurion told them that he’s not going to harm them.

Centurion introduces themselves, and once the kids into themselves, Centurion recognised the surname of Neil and Nesta. After a bit of confusion Centurion explained rather blatantly that he met his forefather before about a century ago, though he was on the planet longer.

Before Centurion could keep on monologuing, He heard a fight going on nearby, apologising for leaving, he went to find out what was happening when he saw Bumblebee and Wheeljack confronting Makeshift, Calcar and Cruellock.

Centurion jumped in and used his hammer to take out Cruellock, Bumblebee took out Calcar. Though Wheeljack pointed his gun on Centurion, Bumblebee stopped him as he recognised him as a Maximal, and thus he’s least an ally.

Makeshift called out to his old foe centurion, who was currently imitating the long dead Malignus Vex. Though Makeshift wanted to fight, he recognised he couldn’t take 3 on 1 and said he’ll set the score later as he transformed to look like Nitro Zeus and flew off with Cruellock and Calcar.

Centurion formerly introduced himself to Bumblebee and Wheeljack, and said he was just a Maximal currently calling the area his home. The kids arrived just in time for Wheeljack to notice just what the Decepticons were digging up, some storage boxes filled with energon cubes.

Centurion explained that was his secret supply of Energon in case he needed it. At that time, Triton called up Bumblebee and asked what were they doing at the moment, Bumblebee told Triton that they were just visiting an old cultural site and nothing more. 

As Triton wasn’t to well interested, he hung up the Comms. Bumblebee told the kids it was time to go home now for the kids, and the group gave their farewell to the Maximal. As they drove away, Neil took out an old picture he had in his pocket.

It was Mt. St Hilary taken exactly 103 years ago, while looking at the picture however, he noticed something, some sort of object in the sky, as if  it was some jet of some kind. As he was well experienced with Aliens, he just though it was a random alien who ship was taken pictured of.



4.Triton(pretending to be an Autobot)

1.Vex(impersonated by Makeshift)
2.Nitro Zeus(impersonated by Makeshift)


As the picture is stated to be 103 years old, this takes place around 1999-2000, in between transformers vengeance 2 of 4 and 3 of 4.

It's unusual why Makeshift would imitate Vex and Nitro Zeus, especially on earth.

This title was originally intended for a now cancelled Novella which is partially inspired by the comic book series Hearts of steel, but now just a filler story.

It's unsure why Makeshift hates Centurion though, as their from factions who aren't at war with each other.



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