Spotlight: Scorn


Onboard Stratosphere, Scorn quietly observes the sky as Stratosphere flies them towards a place called Mesozoic ranch. When Stratosphere inquired why they were going here, Scorn reexplained that they detected a strange energy signal here.

Stratosphere asked if he was going to adopt an earth mode their, which Scorn said he’ll think about it. As they approached the island Mesozoic ranch was, Scorn looked at his protistic tentacle, he started to remember how he lost his arm:

It was during the great war, and Scorn was with his fellow coalition member Scarr on the battlefield. The both of them were fighting of the Decepticons Heavywait, Retrofit, Munitia and Cloudcover during the battle of Vos, while he got shot in the arm, the worst of the damage was yet to come.

Greatcannon team arrived and started battling away the Autobots present. While defending himself from their blasters he was shot in the lower arm by Leyland. He was forced to retreat with Scarr while the other three members(Shuttlegunner, Targethawk, Decepticon Sandstorm) combined into Battlegaia.

While he managed to get to the medical bay, his arm was too damaged and needed to be removed. As they didn’t have a spare arm at the time, he was given a prosthetic tentacle. Though he tried to replace it, as the war progressed he gave up getting a new one.

Scorn landed near the park and proceeded to explore his surroundings, their was little chance of being spotted by Humans, but just in case he put a cloaking device on himself just in case. As he explored the park he noticed all of the strange animatronics around.

The Humans called them “Dinosaurs”, and he was impressed at their attempt to recreate their visage. The rest of his team came here before to learn about these creatures and ended up adopting them as alt modes. Scorn pondered if he should do the same.

As he got closer to the signal, he stumbled upon a strange animatronic, it looked like Grimlock’s new alt-mode, except with a crocodile head and a sail. He involuntary scanned it, which reformatted him with a dinosaur alt mode. Though surprised about it, he shrugged it of as he finally located what was producing the signal.

It was underneath the park, his scanning toll indicated an energon generator. While he was pleased about the find, he was suspicious of how humans could use energon in such a device. But it was enough information to send back to the Arc.

Meanwhile the Decepticon Loader and Frontloader were patrolling the island, Frontloader asked what they were finding, and Loader explained that their locating a strange energy signature. However before they could continue further they picked up Autobot signals.

Frontloader was keen on fighting any Autobots nearby, but Loader told her to be cautious about engaging the enemy to quickly. Scorn was returning to Stratosphere when he noticed the Decepticons nearby, so it gave him an idea on how to get rid of them.

As the two Decepticons got closer to Scorn location, Scorn transformed into his new dinosaur mode. Loader was the first to notice him, however he simply charged at him. Though usually they would shoot any attacker. The fact that they never seen a dinosaur before made them run.

Scorn chased them in this form, finding it funny that the Decepticons never tried to see it was an Autobot, he did this until Loader used the Nemesis Orbital jump feature to escape with Frontloader. While he was disappointed that it ended so soon. He remembered he needed to return to the Ark.

As he boarded Stratosphere, The Gigantion native autobot complimented on his new alt-mode. As they flew back to base. He recounted the information he gathered to Wheeljack. Wheeljack agreed with him that it was strange that an energon generator was at Mesozoic ranch, but he thanked Scorn on identifying the strange signal.

Back on the Nemesis Frontloader and Loader were recovering from the trauma of being chased by that unknown organism(scorn). Cruellock asked if they found out what was the strange energy signature. He was disappointed when they said no but was intrigued about why.

After the pair explained they were chased by a large creature. Cruellock explained that that creature was called a dinosaur. And since their extinct it is possible that it was the Autobot that they detected before the attacked. Cruellock said he will investigate this himself, but told the pair that they should report their findings to command.




Apparently, Cybertronians can involuntarily scan new alt-modes.

According to Scorn description, he scanned a Spinosaurus



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