Valour of the Visionaries 2 of 4



Two years since getting their powers, the Visionaries have gotten used to being protectors of Prysmos, from factions vying to control the planet to simple raiders, the Visionaries have brought peace, order, and justice to a post-Apocalyptic world.

The Visionaries were having lunch at Leoric place, all of the Visionaries were enjoying themselves, Cindarr and Arzon chatted. Galadria and Virulina were experimenting with magic, and Lexor and Witterquick were reading about Prysmosian Legends, Only Darkstorm was not enjoying.

Leoric asked if there is anything wrong, And Darkstorm said that he wonders about if their using their magic properly. He then goes on to elaborate that they should use their power to end the chaos on Prysmos by being the leaders of the planet.

Leoric thought for a minute, before explaining that their power shouldn’t be used to rule over people. Their protectors, not rulers. While outwardly happy with this answer, Darkstorm resented that he couldn’t do his job under Leoric leadership.

After lunch the visionaries gathered around to entertain each other with stories. While they usually retell stories of Movies that used to exist back in the day. Lexor decided to tell the creation myth of Prysmos along with Witterquick, which they agree to listen to:

Before the Universe began, their was Tyrwas, siblings to many powerful spirits. After the Great sky smith created the Universe. He created Prysmos and it’s three stars and protected it from the war between the Wyvern of Oblivion and the warrior of stability.

He imbued the power of magic on Prysmos, and when the first Prysmosians came into existence he taught the Magic before going to  the Limbo, to rest for the day any threats cam e back to destroy the world he has created.

Everybody found the story quite fascinating. Virulina added that it believed that Prysmos would end either by the Wyvern of Oblivion, or the mysterious beast of dimensions. The Visionaries then got on a debate on if said “beast of dimensions” was even a mythological creature.

Their debate ended then they were alerted to a distress call via a magical beacon. The Visionaries when to investigate these distress call, meanwhile Darkstorm was contemplating about his earlier conversations with Leoric, and how he could bring peace to Prysmos without him.

As they use their powers to get to the scene sooner, they’ve discovered that a  horde of bandits were attacking a small town. The Visionaries split up into two groups to deal with them, and Darkstorm ended up with Virulina, Cindarr and Lexor.

As they fought their way through the raiders. Darkstorm resentment of Leoric somehow started to fume within himself. Cindarr noticed and asked why was Darkstorm was angry, Making sure Leoric part of the team wasn’t listening, Darkstorm started ranting about the problems of the Visionaries.

In what turned into a speech of sorts, Darkstorm told the people present he was tired of just defending the people from small time enemies, and the only way that Prysmos will have order again is to conquer it by force, all of the people present o here his speech were amazed.

This speech was the final nail in the coffin for Darkstorm, seeing the approval from the crowd. He declared that he was no longer a Visionary but a Darkling Lord, and those who will join him to stability will become rulers of a new Prysmos.

The Visionaries present declared loyalty to Darkstorm, and they went to confront Leoric. As Leoric and the remaining Visionaries finished saving the town, Darkstorm and his followers confronted Leoric, not understanding the hostilities, Leoric inquires about what is troubling Darkstorm.

Darkstorm retold what he felt was necessary for Prysmos, and that he would take this planet by force if Leoric liked it or not. Saddened by Darkstorm betrayal, Leoric declared that the rest of the Visionaries loyal to him will prevent something like that happening.

Darkstorm declared that he would then crush the visionaries. Seeing themselves outnumbered, Leoric and the others retreated, however he called all remaining visionaries loyal to him to his aid. At Leoric house, Leoric explained the situation to the rest of the Visionaries.

The Visionaries Loyal to Leoric decided that they needed to stop Darkstorm goals, however they can’t call the selves Visionaries anymore. Arzon said that they should call themselves the Spectral knights, and Leoric and the others agreed.

Now there were two factions now, the Darkling lords and Spectral knights.



Primordial Beings:


while Darkstorm turn seems sudden, this issue acts as a final stage of Darkstorm currently unseen arc from Begrudged second in command to rebel leader.

Many cosmic entities are mentioned, with Prysmosian names instead of their real one(Amongst them is one of Mogahn titles, the Beast of dimensions)


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