Valour of the Visionaries 4 of 4


For the past four years, The Spectral knights have been trying to find the location of the Venator Pyramid from Leoric encounter, while there is scepticism about if the Pyramid will return Prysmos to the age of technology, there is no denial that the place exists.

Leoric, Witterquick and Galadria walk up to the Pyramid, which was mostly buried up to the tip of the megastructure, their layer the only entrance to the complex available. Witterquick was still quite sceptical about the Pyramid, but he was willing to give this place a chance.

The three of them explored the complex, going through various rooms, most of them were data centres, but one room in particular was as small study, they went to explore it to see a quicker route to the centre of the building, perhaps a map of sorts.

Leoric stumbled upon some strange owl figurine, which when he touched dissipated and was absorbed by him, he felt that he was being bonded to another totem all those years ago, he wondered if he actually got bonded to one, but he shrugged it off.

Galadria founded an old map and guided the other Spectral knights to the centre. The transverse several flours, slowly going to the centre of the pyramid. As they turned around a corner, the were surprised to be met face to face with their current foes the Darkling Lords.

Though both sides were ready to engage, Leoric stopped them fighting. He told the Darkling Lords that he was here to reactivate this Pyramid so that Prysmos will regain the knowledge it lost from the Apocalypse beforehand, and that their was no point in fighting.

Virulina said they had no idea that this pyramid was a datacentre in case the apocalypse, Cindarr and Lexor wanted to fight, but Virulina said that they could do that later. She offered a temporary truce between two factions until they restart the Pyramid.

Both factions went to the main chamber, where there was a power room, However they were met by Merklynn blocking the entrance, while they gave their respects for the wizard, they were confused why he was preventing them from entering the place.

When asked, Merklynn declared that he wouldn’t allow the Spectral knights and the Darkling Lords to devolve Prysmos back to the age of Technology before attacking them, while their years of combat experience helped them evade Merklynn attacks, they were very confused about the aggression.

Leoric asked why wouldn’t he want Prysmos to regain it’s knowledge of technology, and Merklynn responded by shooting a pink beam at him, he dodged it by turning into a totem animal, but was confused on why he turned into an Owl instead of a Lion.

Merklynn mocked Leoric for changing his totem animal(somehow) and blasted another Pink beam at him, this time it hit him strait on and it seemed that Leoric was killed. Both the Spectral knights and darkling Lords were shocked at what Merklynn has done.

Meanwhile Leoric awoke in another dimension, a pinkish one. He woke up to see a strange alien being which he thinks is called a Quintesson, yes a Quintesson indeed. This being introduced himself as Mara-Al-Utha and explained her was just meditating here.

Leoric asked if this was this home, and Mara said it was just a place to meditate with his master. While confused at first, Leoric realised what he meant by that when he came face to face with the supposed embodiment of magic Tyrwas himself.

Leoric was rather speechless, but Tyrwas explained it was fine for him to speak. Leoric asked Tyrwas why Merklynn was stopping them from returning Prysmos to the age of magic, and Tyrwas showed Leoric a vision of Merklynn using Prysmos suns to cause the cataclysm.

Leoric didn’t believe his eyes, Tyrwas told him that he could just take what he showed him with a grain of salt, but he needed to defeat Merklynn to be able to achieve his goals. Tyrwas gave Leoric a power up of sorts and told him to use it.

He did, and he was somewhat reformatted by the powerup, he  developed markings akin to Virulina and Galadria, and his hair grew even longer. His eyes were a bright pink and he grown a white beard which resembled an owl feathers.

Tyrwas told him he needed to take Merklynn staff to depower him, then he would use the staff to activate the machine. Tyrwas then teleported Leoric back to his home Universe, where he got just in time to help turn the tide of the battle.

Merklynn fight managed to get into the power room, where he used a dragon totem to fight the Visionaries. He aimed his dragon fire at the generator but was blocked by a returned Leoric. The confusion brought by Leoric return gave him enough time to jump Merklynn.

He used his new given power to remove the dragon totem from Merklynn, forcing him to revert to his Prysmosian form. Leoric grabbed Merklynn staff, which changed shaped as it chose a new wielder, though Defeated, Merklynn still had enough magic with him.

He used his abilities to teleport and destroyed the generator, Leoric restrained him and trapped him in an arcane bubble. All of the knights and Lords present hugged him in joy, but Leoric was sad that now they couldn’t fix Prysmos.

Despite this setback, all wasn’t lost. A portal opened and Tyrwas came out of it, the Prysmosians present were speechless when they saw him. Tyrwas declared that Prysmos will enter it’s permanent state of being a place of Technology and Magic, before releasing swaths of energy.

Everybody was blinded by this, and when their eyes recovered they’ve noticed the generator was repaired but seemed to be powered by magic. Tyrwas teleported them all to New Valarak, where it looked like just as it was before, except the incorporation of Magic and technology.

Everybody but Merklynn was happy about it. Tyrwas declared that the Spectral knight and Darkling Lords will guide this planet into a bright future as Visionaries, with Leoric as their head. While Leoric was confused, Tyrwas explained he wanted him to be leader since the beginning, being the one that chose him.

Tyrwas turned to see Merklynn, Though Merklynn expected to receive harsh retribution. Tyrwas decided to banish the old Wizard to another planet, where he would be trapped their until he died. He then opened a portal and banished Merklynn, before teleporting away himself.

The darkling Lords and spectral knights decided to accept Tyrwas diktat and reformed the Visionaries at last, Leoric never though that he would succeed in bringing peace, Order and Justice back to Prysmos, but with some help he surely did.

Meanwhile, Merklynn finds himself on earth, the place was rustic and was something that he could call home. He disguised himself to look like a local when he encountered some native soldiers, speaking perhaps a native language.

He used his power to decipher what they were saying, and deduced they were asking about his name, he responded by telling them that his name was Garrison Kreiger.



Primordial beings:



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