Valour of the Visionaries


It was two months since, well, the Apocalypse happened. Not some spectacle per say, like a Meteor crash or a world ending war, but a solar catastrophe caused by the alignment of Prysmos three stars. Leoric didn’t know what to do except travel the lands.

As he was traveling, he noticed a group of Prysmosians nearby and went to see them. Though seemed to be led by Darkstorm, they were only together as they were searching for a place. When Leoric asked where they were going, he was told he was going to Merklynn fort.

As Leoric had some horses  and an old vehicle he used as a carriage, he offered to help bring them there. Though they thought for a moment, they agreed to do so. As they travelled to the fort, Leoric began socialising with the other three members of the group, Galadria, Witterquick and Arzon.

When he asked Arzon why they’re were going to Merklynn fort. Arzon explained that the ancient wizard is promising that the first few people who can successfully make through his defences will receive Magical powers. Though sceptical, Leoric was interested none the least..

When they arrived at the fortress, there were other people outside the front. These people were Cindarr, Lexor and Virulina. As they all got to know each other, Merklynn fort open it’s door, and everybody went inside, and Leoric decided to follow them.

As they transverse the many corridors of the Fort they were met with many obstacles. Some were simple, such as the quicksand trap, others were difficult, such as the dart room and the  pool filled with snakes, however, everybody managed to survive, somehow.

The Last obstacle was a long passageway, with many boobytraps. Virulina commented it was like an adventure movie, but Darkstorm reminded her that this place was no joke. As they crossed the pathway, Arzon was injured by a trap.

Leoric went to help Arzon and tried his best to pry him out of the trap, though unsuccessful at first, he managed to set him free. Though they’re last at the competition. They’ve manged to go through the obstacles, albeit slowly.

Once inside Merklynn meeting chamber, the ancient wizard revealed himself. He congratulated on them all on reaching this far. As he promised, he would give each of the participant magical powers through Animal totems, which would be given to them by the power orb.

As they’re the last two, Leoric and Arzon went last. Each person present got a suit of armour once they were bonded to their totem. Darkstorm turned into a swamp Mollusc, Galadria a dolphin, Virulina a shark, Lexor an armadillo, Witterquick a cheetah and Cindarr an ape.

Leoric let Arzon go first, and Arzon received an eagle totem, which healed him when bonded. Merklynn told Leoric to touch the Power orb, which gave him a Lion totem, Leoric felt the emotions of the Lion totem as he was bonded to it.

After the bonding, Leoric was stunned at the armour he was wearing, he noticed he grew long, blonde hair(perhaps as a symbolism of his lion totem). The Power orb continued to glow as it shot a light beam at Leoric, Leoric didn’t understand why.

After examining the Orbs reaction for a bit, Merklynn concluded that it was choosing him as the leader of the new group he was creating. Leoric was hesitant to lead, and Darkstorm was a bit jealous, but Merklynn assured him the power orb choose him for a reason.

Leoric accepted the power orb request, much to Darkstorm displeasure. To satisfy Darkstorm, Merklynn put him as Leoric second in charge. With everything being settled Merklynn told the group that their job was to keep the peace in this new age.

Merklynn said that in this new age, ancient threats would awaken due to the alignment, as well as total chaos from the population. It was their jobs as Visionaries to keep peace, order, and Justice, to be protectors of Prysmos.

And the Visionaries accepted their new mission.





It seems Leoric blonde hair is caused by his Lion totem, rather then being his normal hair.


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