Rom vs G.I.Joe 3 of 3


Chaos consumed the base as both G.I.Joe and Rom had to fight Jiminez and her fellow Dier wraiths. While Rom and Jiminez fought on 1V1, the rest of the Joes tried to kill as many Wraiths as possible, the only relief is that they can be killed by bullets.

Beach-head and sci-fi used the machine guns to shoot down all of the Dier Wraiths. While Sci-fi was interested in meeting Alien life, Beach-head told him to focus as more and more Wraiths were coming for them as they kept on Blasting.

Meanwhile Rom and Jiminez were fighting each other, with Jiminez blocking Rom Neutraliser blasts with magic shields, Jiminez said he will finally claim another Spaceknight life. Rom countered that many Dier wraiths had said that before, and none of them truly succeeded.

At the same time, Doc was alone in the forest nearby, where several wraiths were entering. Though they tried to corner him, Doc wasn’t fazed in the slightest. The Dier Wraiths were Shocked when Doc teleported across the  forest before they realised Doc was not a normal Human.

The Dier wraiths tried to attack them, But Doc just teleported again. One of the Wraiths jumped him but to their Horror Doc drained all of the Dier wraith magic out of the alien, which turned it back to how it was before it was turned into a Dier Wraith.

Scared, the Dier wraiths looked in horror when Doc turned into a Dier wraith himself, only that they recognised he was just some normal one, but one of the ancient members of their race. Doc used his magic to defeat all the Dier wraiths present, draining them of their magic.

While the Dier wraiths were slowly but surely being defeated, Rom battle with Jiminez still raged on. Their fight was still rather equal, with both of them tiering out. Jiminez gave where respect is due and complimented that Rom would be the most powerful Spaceknight she met yet.

Their fight came to abrupt close where Rom punched her in the face before using his Neutralisers to kill Jiminez. However their were many Dier wraiths to deal with, However all of the Dier wraiths paused as they were frozen in their tracks.

They were held still by magic, and over each Dier wraith a portal opened where they were forcefully levitated to. Rom was confused as who was doing this as all the Dier wraiths present were teleported away against their will, but he soon found out.

After the Dier Wraiths were gone, He himself was constructed and teleported to outside of the Building, where he was face to face with a much larger Dier wraith, one that he recognised that was the one that he fought during the battle of the Wraith world.

He felt his armour weapons disabled as the Dier wraith started physically beating him up, telling him that he won’t destroy another world again. Rom felt helpless as he started to break his armour, but he was saved when some of the Joes came to save him.

The Larger Dier wraith teleported away, and Rom was relieved that he was saved. Beach-head thanked Rom for thwarting the Dier wraith plot, but Rom said that it would be far from over, Rom then gave the Joes a salute before flying away to repair the damage.

Meanwhile, Doc was watching the stars by himself when Colton sat next to him. Colton asked if he was the one to save the Joes from the Dier wraiths to which Doc nodded. Doc noted that he was also tried to kill Rom, but stopped when the other Joes came.

Doc started to recall how he first revealed his true identity as a Dier Wraith, thinking of how Colton kept it a secret for so long:

It was 1984, and Joe Colton and Doc were exploring some abandoned mineshafts in Europe, investigating some illegal activity there. As they were exploring, the mineshaft they were in started to collapse in onto itself.

Both operatives started running, but some stalactite got loose and was going to hit Colton when Doc used his magic shields to protect Colton. Though he though they were trapped inside, Doc used his powers to teleport them out of the mine.

Once out of there, Colton was surprised that Doc knew magic, to where Doc confessed that while he was loyal to the G.I.Joe cause, he wasn’t biologically a human, after Colton promised to keep this a secret between themselves, he revealed his Dier wraith form and started explaining his past…

Doc asked why did he still trust him after being attacked by Dier wraiths himself, with Colton responding that he  trusts Doc because in the end of the day, they’re still friends, and Doc only goal is to keep earth safe from those who may try and harm it, just like Colton.

Colton asked if their any reason why he particularly hated Rom, in which Doc told him that he hates him for killing of much of his kind, even if they were evil, they didn’t deserve death. While Colton understood this, he did say that revenge rarely gets any sentient being anywhere.

Doc contemplates that he might need to fight more of his king in the future, or worse, Rom or any other Solstar enforcer. However Colton reminded him that they also had other threats, and that if  anymore of  the more malevolent Dier wraiths came to attack them, they would be ready.

Meanwhile, a single Dier wraith was running in the forests, until he got to a swampy area, their he founded a house, where he thought he could hide in.. However he was startled when the Human addressed him as a Dier wraith.

Said Human turned out to be Croc master, who lived in the area. Croc master mocked and taunted the Dier wraith that he was just a cheap physical imitation of someone way more respectable and fearing. Angered, the Dier Wraith lunged towards Croc master.

Croc master casually just shot the Alien, before he signalled his alligators to eat the corpse, he mocked the fact that the Joes would have such a hard time bringing these creatures down while he got rid of one in a single shot.




1984 was the year the transformers Toyline was released.



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