Spotlight Shockfleet


As a young bot of his own, Shockfleet spent his early life being in space, traveling long voyages that lasted a few decades. In this instance, his family was traveling through an asteroid field, and he was observing the many asteroids and meteorites in the area.

His mother Voidpulse came up to him and started observing the asteroids with him. To a young bot like him, It was an extraordinary experience, even if they were rocks in space, and though he saw many asteroids fields since, he hasn’t had the same experience either.

Main story:

On the Lost light, Shockfleet was relaxing…well as much relaxation as he got, Brainstorm was testing one of his inventions and Natica was playing some sort of game with Windrim and Visper. He noticed that they were in another asteroid field and  went to watch it again.

Though it didn’t give him as much joy as before, he still loved to marvel at its beauty, yes they were space rocks, but beautiful remnants of dead planets who died when a star system developed. Starcloud also  walking nearby when he noticed Shockfleet observing the Asteroid field.

Starcloud didn’t understand the beauty of the Asteroid field, And while Shockfleet was fine with that, he did wanted it to be more special, even if their was just possible energon stores there. Megastar then called Shockfleet up to the command deck, and Shockfleet did so.

When he got to the command deck, Megastar briefed him on how their was a strange energy signature on one of the asteroids. Shockfleet decided that he would send an investigation party there, but he also decided that he would go with them this time.

Later that day, he and the investigation team met up in the hanger. Machalert greeted him and the team went in one of the various exploratory shuttle they had. Shockfleet observed the asteroid field from the shuttle window, kept on remising on his youth.
They landed on the asteroid from where the signal originated from, And the team divided themselves into pairs and started exploring, Him and Machalert observed their surroundings, with Machalert noting that it seems that the strange energy source came from within the planet.

Their exploration took them to a cave system, and both of them decided to come in, as they explored the calve, they noticed various crystals of green Energon in which  Machalert took samples using sampling equipment, the Energon was quite different to what they had seen before.

As they kept exploring the caverns of the asteroid, they felt that they were being watched, eventually they encounter a small organic cladded in armour. Though both groups were weary, Machalert broke tensions by introducing themselves.

The armoured alien introduced himself as Grom the Spaceknight, and explained to the Cybertronians that he was hunting down a Dier wraith on this asteroid, Shockfleet explained they were investigating the strange energy signature on this asteroid.

The pair of Cybertronians and Grom kept on exploring the cave system, Shockfleet noticed the deeper they went the more of this green Energon was around. Eventually they got into a clearing within the cave system, which looks similar to a Temptorian temple.

It was filled to the Brim with this green Energon. Their at the centre of this place was a reddish Dier wraith, the creature Grom was searching for. Grom flew towards the Dier Wraith but was held in the air by the Dier wraith magic, however, the Dier Wraith wasn’t bothered much by their presence.

Said Dier Wraith introduced himself as CONS4EVA, Machalert approached CONS4EVA and asked why he lived in this energon asteroid. CONS4EVA explained he lived here for centuries, however… his time to leave has come.

When asked for clarification, CONS4EVA explained that he wanted to open a spacetime portal via an event know as the Crossover. What little he knew of the Temptorian, Shockfleet has heard of the crossover event from Temptorian culture, but he also knows it was apparently a myth.

CONS4EVA  Showed them a lime green portal up at the top of the cave ceiling, just large enough for him to fit through. CONS4EVA told Grom that he would have no reason to kill him, as he hopefully going to a place here he would be more or less gone.

Grom thought to himself, but before he got to decided CONS4EVA said farewell to his visitors as he entered the Portal, they all just stood their as the portal closed on them. Grom decided to leave, leaving Shockfleet and Machalert alone in the cavern.

Machalert was confused on exactly what happened, And so was Shockfleet, however after having a second look at the cavern he was in, Shockfleet said that they should go back to the surface and inform everybody of how much energon they have found.

It’s not like CONS4EVA need it anymore.






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