Arrival of Croc master

After being taken into the portal, Zarana and Big Boa experience was quite…mind breaking to say the least. No words could describe the eldritch experience that felt while traversing this dimension and they were screaming all the way.

While in this dimension,  Both Big Boa and Zarana were being pulled by an orb of energy, void of any colour. Two openings appeared, one to a suburban area, and another to a sandy beach, Big Boa was flung into the former portal while Zarana was fling into the latter portal.

Zarana landed on a beach, probably on an Island of some sorts, she got up to see Croc master just standing there. While recollecting what just happened, croc master commented that they needed to start walking, their not going to get to the base by just standing.

Still seeing that Zarana was confused, Croc master explained that they teleported to Cobra Island, where Serpentor is currently at. Realising that Big Boa wasn’t with them. Zarana demanded to know what he did to Big Boa, with Croc master only response being “where he needs to be right now”.

At the same time Croc master did this feat, Serpentor was in a testing site, where he was observing testing for the M.A.S.S device. With the help of the Decepticon Viper, They have built a Transwarp teleporter compatible with humans, and hopefully could be used for conquest.

They have successfully teleported several humans through this device, But this time Dr Mindbender himself was the latest to use this new device, the objective was simple…Teleport the Doctor from Nanzhao to Cobra island without any hiccups.

The test was going smoothly, with the Doctor being taken from a cobra building in Nanzhao, however as he was going to be materialised in the M.A.S.S  device. However unbeknownst to them, Croc master teleportation caused the device to malfunction.

Said Malfunction caused the teleportation of Mindbender to fail mid-teleport, and he was believed to have been teleported elsewhere.  Many of the Cobra members, including Serpentor, was panicking at the situation at hand, but Viper was more confused than scared.

Viper called Munitia, who was monitoring the systems of the M.A.S.S on their spaceship and asked if their was any event that happened during the recent testing, after a few minutes of looking at the data, Munitia informed Viper the most likely culprit was a space-time disturbance.

Viper relayed this information to Serpentor and the other scientists. Serpentor asked Munitia what could have caused such a thing, and he was disappointed and scared to find out that the spacetime event which caused the malfunction hasn’t been documented before, like ever.

As his day could get any weirder, He got a call from one of his Grunts that Croc master has come to see him, shocked at the fact that Croc master was just in Florida minutes after he recently called him, he ordered his grunt to escort him to the meeting room to wait for him.

Serpentor made his way to the meeting room, where Croc master was sitting on one of the chairs, Serpentor was shocked that Zarana was there, but before he could speak Croc master said that she came here the same way he did.

Though confused, he put aside of all the weirdness that happened today and started interviewing/interrogating Croc master. Croc master stated that as long as Serpentor respect his privacy and recognises him as an ally of cobra rather then a member, he would be fine with his rule.

Still not satisfied with his answer, Serpentor asked about what if he doesn't, with croc master reply being "Do you really want to find out"? Taking this a a threat, Serpentor ordered some of his troops to open fire on Croc master, leaving him with bullet wounds sin his body.

But even being covered with said injuries, he doesn't seem to have flinched, Croc master looked relaxed, which horrified everybody in the room. Serpentor ordered the troops to fire again, but he was horrified when the results were the same, a very alive Croc master.

Only now realising his mistake, Croc master got up and said one very chilled line: that Serpentor needs to be taught a lesson on respect! Much to Serpentor horror.


4.Dr Mindbender




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