Mystery of Croc master


In the swamps of Florida, both Zarana and Big Boa were going through the Swamps to find one person in particular, the elusive Croc master. Though many consider him a member of Cobra, in truth he’s only nominally a member, and with Serpentor in charge, he needed to know if he will be loyal to him due to his seclusive nature.

In said swamps, Zarana was complaining about the fact that even with gear made for traversing swamps, she still found it a bit treacherous to traverse. It also didn’t help that it was the middle of the night, which made their journey in gator infested water even more dangerous.

The pair got a call from Serpentor, and they picked it up with their encrypted communicator. Serpentor asked about their progress, In which they gave in their report. Though a bit annoyed about their lack of Progress, nonetheless he ordered them to keep on finding him.

Once the call ended, Zarana asked about what was so special about Croc master to Big Boa, seeing that their was nothing special about him except for his love for gators. Big boa explained that there are many rumours about him, and he sees that it threatens Serpentor power one way or another.

When asked for further clarification, Big boa said that the main rumour is that he has the psionic ability to control crocodile(and related creatures) with his mind. However other rumours claim he’s over 200 years old and has an ulterior motive that could threaten Cobra.

While finding those rumours stupid, Zarana did note that he must be valuable, or dangerous enough to be on Serpentor radar. Their conversation was interrupted when an Alligator attacked, luckily for them Big Boa punched it, making it retreat back into the swamp.

They kept moving within the swamp until they came across a small hut, looking at the files, Big Boa concluded that it was most likely Croc master house. Zarana noticed that there were several Gators approaching both of them, all looking at the pair.

Zarana aimed her guns at the alligators and Big Boa readied his boxing gloves, but then another mysterious figure approached. It was the famed Croc master, and the Gators seemed to back down and go away after his arrival, like if they were ordered to.

Croc master said that they were expecting them(which shocked the pair to some extent) and told them to follow him inside(which they did) in his small hut, as they sat in the living quarters, Zarana felt that something was off…for some reason.

Croc master sat down and told the pair that he knew that Serpentor sent them to see if he will be loyal to his new rule or not. Croc master explained that he was totally fine with Serpentor rule, and will be if he respects his privacy and recognise him as an ally rather than an actual member.

Just as one of the pair was about to speak, Serpentor rang up. Croc master took the phone and answered it. He greeted the shocked Serpentor, who started interrogating him. Croc master respectfully told him that they could continue this conversation at Cobra island, before hanging up.

Croc master returned the phone, Zarana warned him that Serpentor would likely try to kill him for his rudeness. But Croc master replied that that wasn’t a problem, however what is a problem is that the both of them were being tracked by the Joes via said communications equipment.

Before anybody could speak, a squad of Joes surrounded Croc master house. Zarana and Big Boa readied themselves for a battle they probably lose. But turned around when they head a breaking sound, which they thought was the joes breaking in.

But no…It was a large opening voided of any light, and like a singularity pulled Zarana, Big Boa and Croc master in. While croc master cackled as he went in, Zarana and Big Boa could only logically scream as they were taken into the portal.

And by the time the Joes came in, they were gone, only seeing the portal close as they entered the hut.






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