Reveal of Croc master

Croc master stood up from his chair and snapped the two troops, In such speed that the two men were dead in a blink of an eye. Zarana noticed that he didn’t bleed blood, but an oil like substance void of colour, void of much colour.

Zarana instinctively ran out of the room, and Serpentor followed her out. Croc master took his time in tracking down Serpentor, and for the most part ignored everybody but Serpentor. Zarana stopped running to catch her breath, but she doesn’t know what’s going to happen next.

Meanwhile Serpentor was running for his life, Not knowing exactly what Croc master is planning, but he definitely not going to find out. Guards and various other troops engage against Croc master, only to be brushed pass as if they weren’t even there.

Meanwhile in the Suburbs, Big Boa was  traversing the streets, He is surprised that he hasn’t been captured yet, but then again in this part of the world, It was still definitely Nighttime, but that didn’t stop him from being discreet about his movements.

However, he felt that someone was watching him, he left that feeling aside for the moment and kept on traversing the current suburbs he was it, however he felt that he was still being watched. He stopped ignoring his instincts when he saw a shadow of a person.

He turned around to see a person in a trench coat, with a wool mask over his face. Big Boa tried to threaten the man to go away, but that man responded by saying his hostilities are unnecessary, and that he has a perfect place for criminal like the both of them to hide.

Though uneased, He decided to trust the man and followed him to an old house in the woods, their he sat down in the living room as he did in Croc master house. The masked man went to prepare some food for the both of them while Big Boa could talk to his apprentice.

Though he didn’t know who to expect, He was quite shocked when he saw his old boss, or what looked like his old boss Cobra commander come into the room and sat down in front of him. Though he couldn’t believe his eyes, a part of him believed it was Cobra commander.

He started interrogating(in a respectable way) Cobra commander, asking how he survived and why he was missing all this time. After Cobra commander got him to calm down. He explained how Serpentor betrayed him and left him for dead, only for his old mentor to save him.

In the past couple of years, as Serpentor fixated his rule, He and his old mentor has been training and preparing to take back cobra on their own. While Big Boa was happy to see his old boss back, he was confused by who was his mentor.

The man from before came back with some food, and Cobra commander introduced his mentor…Old Snake! Though Big Boa barely knew the guy, he has heard about the legendary old snake, the Cobra lord who started the final plan of Cobra before disappearing.

Old Snake, having hearing the conversation between the two. Asked about what else he knew about Old Snake, and why he disappeared. Big Boa said he only knew he was a car washer before he joined Cobra, and it was believed he either died of old age or died of a freak accident.

Old Snake said that while he was originally a car washer, He left Cobra initially due to the changing times, He knew that even with his longevity, He could not live log enough to see his plan through, so he decided to retire and let Cobra commander, a person who he trained personally, to continue his mission for him.

However, with Serpentor taking control, even with his few wins he destabilises Cobra for the worst. Thus when the time is right, they will return to take care of him. Cobra commander offered Big Boa to be a agent for him, which he accepted.

Meanwhile back on Cobra island Serpentor managed to get into the lab and got it closed shut, Viper and the other Lab assistants were quite confused as several battalions of Cobra troopers guarded the door, Serpentor felt slight relief, but only for that slight second.

Croc master appeared right behind him, about a few meters away from the room, Serpentor ordered his mento shoot Croc master, but like last time, It didn’t work. Seeing the gist of the situation, Viper blasted Croc master with his Cybertronian blaster, which should have disintegrated him.

On the contrary, the blast didn’t even explode, only consuming Croc master with energy, said soon turned into a singularity before taking a shape of a humanoid figure, all complete with a strange insignia of his own, said figure approached Serpentor, slowly.

Serpentor prepared for the worst, but Croc master, or what is Croc master, just repeated his demands in his eldritch voice. Seeing no other option for his survival, He accepted Croc master part of the deal, hoping it will be enough for him to survive.

Croc master laughed in that same Crackling voice. He thanked Serpentor for being so cooperative with him before the dark entity disappeared. Though everybody was both confused and scared for their lives, Serpentor, even though he shouldn’t wondered what was actually Croc master?

Croc master teleported back to his home, where he found it was more or less ransacked by the Joes, like that mattered much, as what was really important was underneath. He phased down to a large cave system underneath, where he had an actual place to himself.

There, He went to a meditation area,  covered with the same insignias he wore in this state, He reformed his human body and sat down. He knew his time to serve was a very long time, but until he is called to bring an end to this universe and many more.

But until then, being Croc master was fine, though in truth, he preferred to be called the Despot of All Gators, and one day, he will let people know that!


It's finally revealed that Croc master was the Despot of All Gators(though their were hints at the beginning of the Despot showcase in his debut piece of fiction)


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