Spotlight Rhinox


In a savannah like portion of the earth, Rhinox was traversing the tropical grasslands along with both Rockbuster and Torca. They were here to study the area, not necessarily for energon(though it would be nice) but rather to study the native flora and fauna of the area.

Torca actually liked many of the native animals of the area, though he was disappointed that none of them looked like his alt-mode(even if his alt-mode was a fusion of two animals). Though Rockbuster preferred to fight, he did admire how beautiful the environment is.

A group of Mastodons approached the group of Maximals, Rockbuster noted that he thought that these animals were rather furless, however Rhinox chimed in, explaining that they were a different but related species from their hairless counterparts(elephants).

Unknown to the three of them, they were being observed by Injector. The Predacon grunt, however, found this job boring to say the least. Not that he like to fight 3 on 1 today, but in his mind he would rather listen to one of Skyshadow political speeches then what he was currently doing.

He was contacted by Terrorsaur, who asked for a status report, after telling Terrorsaur his current observations. He was told to keep an eye on them, at the very least something useful is founded by the Maximals which they could use against them.

After ending the call, Injector sighed and kept on observing the three Maximals having fun. However in the corner of his eye, he saw something, interesting, and when it started leaving the area he decided to follow this mysterious creature, could this be useful for the Predacons?

He followed the strange creature until he got to an opening in the savannah, full of dead Mastodons, as well as a couple of other creatures. He started observing the strange creature, recording his observation to see what he’s actually doing.

To his confusion, The strange alien, who when he looked closer looked like an upright crocodilian, was glowing with a chaotic purple energy, which spread across the Mastodon graveyard. To his shock, all of the dead animals rose as if they were alive again?

Meanwhile, Rhinox and the other two Maximals were still studying the flora and fauna of the area, Rockbuster noted he founded another creature similar to the Mastodons they saw earlier, Rhinox noted that it was, yet again, another species which was closely related to both Mastodons and elephants(mammoths).

However as Rhinox was explaining this to Rockbuster,  Torca noticed that a group of mastodon was heading towards them, however unbeknownst to him they were the zombie ones created by the strange lifeform Injector was observing. Either way they were heading towards them.

The other Maximals noticed and all three of them decided to get out of the herds way, however the zombie herd followed them. They kept on running until they decided they had to fight the horde of undead mastodons. Throughout all of this, Injector was still watching them from above.

Injector noticed he lost track of the creature, which was causing all this commotion, but he quickly realised where it was when it tried to blast him out of the sky. He dodged the creature attack and opened fire on the assailant, exchanging blasterfire and energy blasts at each other.

The trio of Maximals were blasting the undead Mastodons, lucky for them their Energon weapons seem to be more effective on them then normal organics. After defeating the rest of the Zombie herd, the Maximals took a breather.

Torca wondered what were those things, Rockbuster said that they acted like zombies, being the rational one, Rhinox analysed the remains of the mastodons, noting that a strange energon like substance might have been the cause of their condition.

Rhinox took a sample of their blood, Torca felt a bit guilty about killing the heard of. But Rhinox said that by his analysis that the heard were already dead before the substance corrupted them. Torca felt better from hearing this and Rockbuster was still saying that they were zombies.

Injector was still fighting the creature responsible for the undead herd. He tried to get a name out of the being, but to no avail. The mysterious being blasted two concentrated energy beams and sent Injector flying to the Maximals, crashing into Rockbuster in the process.

Instinctively, Injector shot two blaster bolts into the creature chest, causing him greater damage then usual. Injector sighed some relief when the monster fell down, but was instantly clubbed by Rockbuster,  who got up after being crashed into.

Rockbuster was going to pummel Injector, but Injector plead to him to hear his side of the story. After Rhinox gave him the chance, Injector explained how he saw this lizard like creature create the zombie horde of Mastodons and sent them to attack them while he was observing the area.

While Rockbuster wanted to still beat him up, but before anybody could decide what to do with him the strange creature rose again, angrier than ever and seemed to be suffering energon poisoning. Injector asked one last time who was he, and this time he got a response.

The mysterious lizard like creature introduced himself as D’compose, and he was assessing the threat level of the mysterious “Iron beings”  that has arrived on their planet. When Rhinox asked why he had to attack them though. D’compose started ranting on how he needs to defend his nation from any threat, hostile or otherwise.

Though Rhinox tried to reason with him, D’compose lunged with his hands fuming with that same energy as before. However Injector saved the Maximal by shooting D’compose again, further injuring and poisoning D’compose to the point it screamed in pain.

Rockbuster wanted to blast D’compose until he perished but Rhinox said they weren’t killing anybody else today, before using a gel weapon to encase D’compose with a resin, however the resin hardened in a matter of  moments, and D’compose looked like he was stuck in amber.

Looking at the frozen being, Rhinox apologised to him for the result of the situation. While the Maximals were looking at a now trapped D’compose, Injector took the time to escape from the scene, going back to the Predacons base.

Later Rhinox, Torca and Rockbuster buried D’compose, believing him to be dead. While Rhinox was quite guilty of sealing his fate. He couldn’t but wonder what was D’compose, and what was the purple substance in both him and those poor creatures he infected.







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