End of the DJD



Previously, the DJD were a group of Decepticons, a special unit who was created to personally kill criminal Decepticons in particular. Yes they exceeded in their job well, but one would not be foolish for thinking that they would stay like this forever.

When the great war ended, the DJD refused to stop their mission, unaccepting of the wars end. Thus they themselves found themselves as criminals on the run. Though the haven’t ben captured so far, they continue their mission regardless, but for how long.

Shortens day by day.

Main story:

Kaon was on the DJD ship, they have landed on  a rather remote world,  And it was her turn to guard the ship while her teammates went out to scout terrain. The only other DJD member on board at the time was Nickle their medical officer.

She was managing the communications between the DJD. Monitoring  her teammates to make sure their okay, as well as the surroundings of the ship. However she feels uneased, If she knows that something terrible is going to happen.

Hours went by, And Kaon heard little from her teammates. In particular she didn’t hear back from her leader Tarn in a while. She used their comms to track them, and found that Tarn was just, standing in a certain location some several miles from the group.

She tried calling him, but he didn’t leave any reply. She asked for the nearest teammate Helex to check on him. After a couple of minutes, Kaon asked back to Helex what he sees. Helex then told her something that shocked her, Tarn, out of all of the DJD, was killed.

She then heard Helex screams as she heard another bot assault him. After a couple of moments of fighting, Silence took over the scene. Kaon tried calling Helex back, but to no reply. Tense she called the others to warn them about the incident.

She called in Tesaurus, warning him about a threat on the planet and that he should arm himself and get back to the ship. She repeated this message for Vos as well. She anxiously waited for them to return, getting concerned minute by minute.

After a few minutes of observing, She got a distress call from Tesaurus, She only heard his screams as he seems to be fighting the same assailant that killed Tarn and Helex. She radioed Vos as well, telling her to run as she realised in horror that Tesaurus to, was killed by as everything went silent.
She could see Vos in the surrounding, and went by and opened the hanger, Vos was only several meters away from the ship when a large cybertronian landed on her, said attacker crushed severely damaged Vos before being killed by a baster bolt.

Kaeon quickly closed the hanger door and ran for the ship control deck, however while running she heard the outside of the ship being broken in. She decided to lock herself into the control room while she figured out how to defend herself.

She realised that Nickle wasn’t with her, and realised she was at the mercy of this attacker. She called her to check if she’s alright but could only here a brief scream from Nickel before also her comm went down.

She feared for the worst, but realised if she was going to survive, she needed to arm herself, so she took  the closest weapon next to her and armed herself as she waited for the inevitable. One Punch…second punch…Third punch…and the door was broken in.

Infront of her, The assailant could be observed. He was none other then the Decepticon Deathplay. In his hand was an EMP weapon. Before she could react Deathplay shot her, causing her to go into stasis lock,  slowly losing consciousness.

She awoke in a cell, it was one on Garrus 9. She was greeted by another Decepticon…Soundwave. A bit angered she demanded to know what happened to her. Soundwave debriefed that months ago he sent Deathplay to Terminate the DJD, which was successful.

He then explained that this operation was carried out with the intention to terminate dangerous individuals, however Deathplay vouched to spare Kaon be contained rather then killed, And since Nickle was a medical officer, she couldn’t have been killed.

Kaon was relieved her friend to be alive, However she mourned the rest of her teammates deaths. Soundwave said she’s going to be in Garrus 9 for a very, very long time. Before Soundwave left, Kaon cursed Soundwave in her head, blaming him for the death of her friends, even if they deserved it.

Meanwhile Soundwave called in Deathplay, Checking in on him for more progress. Deathplay announced that Soundwave secret termination program is successful at this point, Soundwave congratulated him on that, before hanging up and going away.





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